2 | Grief

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"Y/N! What happened to her?" Touka cries out as she runs up to Ayato, who's carrying you in his arms.

He sighs, turning his gaze away from Touka and back onto your passed out form. "Her mom got devoured, she almost did too." He mutters. "Until I showed up at least. I kicked their asses."

"You saved her?" She asks full of wonder, surprised that Ayato would ever even think of saving a human.

"Idiot, it's not like I personally cared that much to." He says as he scoffs. "I know you care about this shitty human, or whatever. So I saved her because I wasn't gonna put up with your whining if she actually died." He adds, still holding you close to him.

"Oh, okay... I can carry her upstairs if you wa—" Touka says, reaching out to you, but Ayato quickly turns his body away from her, shielding you.

"No." He blurts out, too quickly for his own likening. "I uh... You'll probably drop her or something. I'll carry her." He quickly adds, turning to head upstairs.

"I'm gonna put her upstairs to rest. Ask Mr. Yoshimura to take care of her wound." He states, before walking up the stairs with you in his arms, leaving a confused yet slightly amused Touka behind.

Ayato opens the spare room, placing you down on the couch. The room was cold, and you were shivering, something that bothered him.

He sighs as he looks down at your trembling form, then leaves the room again, only to return a few moments later with a pillow and a blanket. He carefully lifts your head, letting it rest on the pillow before he drapes the blanket over your body.

Standing back and looking at your sleeping form, he frowns. Yeah, you looked peaceful-ish while asleep, but your face was still covered in blood and dirt. He couldn't let you be like this.

Leaving the room once more, he comes back with a damp towel. He crouches down beside you, moving some strands of hair out of your face, revealing more of your soft skin. He takes a moment to observe your facial features, his heart rate speeding up ever so slightly.

"This is stupid..." He mutters to himself, finding it ridiculous that his body is reacting to you this way. "I'm just making her look less horrible."

He leans in again, softly wiping the towel over your skin, making it look clean and normal again. As he wipes the towel against your cheek, his fingers accidentally brush against your skin, making his heart skip a beat. His touch lingers for a moment, longer than he intends to, his mind going blank. You were soft and warm, and he could feel the steady rhythm of your breathing and your heartbeat from how close he was to you.

He realized he'd never been so close to a girl before, especially not one as pretty as you. You're close enough that he can smell you, so sweet, like he imagines honey would taste like.

Then, your eyes open ever so slightly, making his breath catch in his throat as he immediately removes his hand from your cheek. He mentally scolds himself and tries to think of anything to say to you — anything that won't result in him looking like an idiot.

"Ayato..?" You mumble quietly.

"I uh..." He stammers, not knowing how to save himself out of this awkward situation.

You blink a couple times, trying to focus on his face. But before you can say or do much more, he exits the room in a hurry.

He curses at himself as he makes his way to his own room. You were just a girl, a human girl at that! There's no way in hell he could let his guard down like this again.

"Stupid heart..." He mutters to himself. "Stop beating so fast."


'So much blood'

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