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Ayato and you grow a little bit closer over the months, but he didn't let his guard down any more than how he did that night on the rooftop. You are okay with it though, because the two of you became friends.... Well, not that Ayato would actually admit that out loud.

You recently moved into the extra room in Anteiku, so the two of you would sometimes hang out in each other's rooms, even though you wouldn't talk all that much. Just being around each other was nice in some weird, comforting way. You just feel at peace being in the presence of one another, something that just feels so right. It doesn't matter that he is a ghoul and you are just a human, none of it ever bothered you. He saved your life and he is your friend, that's all that matters.

Aside from that, the boy just absolutely loves to tease you. Today is one of those days, as Ayato shamelessly rummages through all your personal stuff that you have just moved into the spare room.

"Ayato, cut it out." You demand him as you put down the book you were just reading. He doesn't listen, he just continues opening drawers and going through all your socks like the jerk he is. "Hah, these are so childish. Totally fits you, you loser." He says as he pulls out a pair of pink, frilly socks, holding them up with a teasing grin.

In a moment of annoyance, you throw the book at him, but he ducks just in time before it can actually hit him, hitting the wall behind him with a hard smack.

"You can be glad that didn't hit me, Peanut. I would've eaten you for breakfast if you actually managed to hurt me." He says as he glowers at you, the socks still in his hands.

You frown at the nickname, standing up with your fists balled at your sides. "Well then stop going through my stuff! And stop calling me a peanut!" You yell as you make your way up to him, but he just extends his arm, pushing you away from the drawer as he rummages further.

He chuckles while he opens another drawer, amusement written all over his face and continuing his little adventure through all your belongings. "Damn, you have so many funny socks. You're so weird." He says, rummaging through it's contents, until he stops. "Huh, what's...—"

Ayato pauses, his cheeks growing a deep shade of crimson as he pulls out a bra.

Your eyes widen in shock, feeling your own cheeks burn with embarrassment and your soul leaving your body. You wish the ground would just swallow you whole, that you would suddenly get a heart attack and die on the spot. The little shithead actually pulled out a fucking bra of all things! Oh god, he was gonna pay for this...

"G-give me that!!" You cry out as you snatch the bra from him with such speed you nearly rip it in half, before immediately stuffing it back into your drawer and slamming it shut again. "You jerk! I'm gonna strangle you to death."

He smirks as he looks down at you, a hint of pink still covering his cheeks.

"Strangle me? I'd like to see you try." He comments. "More importantly, I wanna know what more embarrassing stuff you got in that drawer." He says as he reaches out to the drawer again, only for you to grab him by the wrist.

"N-no, get out of my room! You stupid prick!" You exclaim, trying to push him out of your room, but he's firm like a brick wall, like he's sculpted out of freaking marble. Damn him and his ghoul physique!

He chuckles at your poor attempt of pushing him, before he shoves you back. A bit, no a lot harder than he intended too, since you end up tumbling to the floor.

The lack of weight makes him lose his balance as well. And like the complete idiot he is, he stumbles over his feet, before landing right on top of you, making you hiss out in pain from the impact, air leaving your lungs for a brief moment.

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