6 | Memory

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As the months pass on, you started to train together with Kaneki and Yomo. It took you literal weeks of begging the stoic man to train you, until he finally, although hesitantly, complied. No one really liked the idea of you training or fighting with anyone, but everyone at Anteiku soon realized it was a necessary precaution. Especially with the CCG now roaming the 20th ward.

So, the three of you would train underground underneath Anteiku, and you would go every other day. Kaneki was allowed to train everyday, and you wanted to complain about that too, but realized beggars can't be choosers. You were grateful for Yomo even agreeing to train you in the first place, so you kept your mouth shut.

Besides that, you felt like you had made actual progress over the past months, and it satisfied you. Sure, you probably couldn't ever survive a ghoul attack, maybe you had a sliver of a chance if they weren't really used to fight or if they didn't use their Kagune, but you could at least probably survive long enough until someone capable would show up.

That being said, Yomo would become harsher with each training, and you sustained multiple injuries, but you were grateful that he took some time out of his busy days to learn you some self defense.

Another guy started working at Anteiku as well, Nishiki Nishio. He was a bit rude, especially when he found out that you, a human, worked at Anteiku. But alas, he quickly became fond of you. Nishiki kind of felt like an older brother to you, and he quickly took on that role, shielding you from various ghouls such as Tsukiyama Shuu or other weird ghouls who visited Anteiku.

Nishiki, Touka and Kaneki started off on the wrong foot, having fought Kaneki once and him badly injuring Nishiki in the process, but they quickly patched things up after Kaneki and Touka helped saving Nishiki's girlfriend, Kimi. After that, Nishiki started working at Anteiku. It was nice to have another addition to the team.

Sadly, life wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, since a lot of horrible stuff happened as well.

Hinami has lost her only parent left, Ryoko, and she would often be by your and Touka's side, feeling as if you were the only ones who could fully understand her pain. Both her parents died to the hands of the CCG, and yours died at the hand of ghouls. So even though your circumstances were different, they were also extremely similar.

You remember Hinami coming home the same night Touka killed the investigator that was the culprit of Ryoko's death. She wanted to sleep next to you in your bed, deadly afraid of being alone. Every hour, she would wake up crying, and you had to comfort her. The two of you quickly became inseparable, it felt like Hinami was the little sister you've never had.

Being around Hinami made you feel happy, though it left a deep hole in your heart as well. It felt like all the people you care about are living horrible, unfair lives, surrounded by death and despair.

You both lost your parents to the opposite species, but instead of hating each other, it created a strong bond between the two of you. It reminded you of how things could've been between Ayato and you if the two of you maybe actually talked stuff out. It's what you wished would've happened as you think back to all the good times you've had with him, before it all went to shit. It was something that kept you up during most nights.

Not that it mattered much anymore, since he didn't want to be involved with you anyways. And you know you shouldn't care about it, either, but you still do. You hated that you still cared that much after such a long time.

Luckily for you, Anteiku was a great distraction, even if things weren't going great for now. At least you could find solace in each other.

It didn't take long until Hinami moved in with Touka and you, and bit by bit, she would slowly regain her happiness. Sure, she had to go out wearing a disguise, but she didn't seem to mind all that much. What mattered was that she was finally happy, which made both Touka and you happy in return.

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