3 | Connection

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"So, what are we supposed to do with her now?" Irimi asks Yoshimura, who gathered all of Anteiku together, except you. He had told the others beforehand that this conversation would be about you, since many of the ghouls were kind of anxious to let a human stay with them. Decisions needed to be made.

"There's limited options to what we can do when it comes to Y/N." Yoshimura says. "As you can all imagine, having a human live with a group of ghouls might not be the best idea for any of us. It's not exactly natural. Aside from that, I know many of you aren't all too keen on letting a human stay here with us. We should take all options into consideration."

"What are you trying to say with that?" Touka asks, her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"Well, when it comes to our options..." Yoshimura pauses, hesitating for a moment. "We could send her to the CCG, which isn't my preferred idea. Y/N is still young, after all. We can't be certain if she'll keep our ghoul identity a secret, and it'll mean she becomes an investigator in the future."

"And the other options?" Koma prods.


"We dispose of young Y/N." Yoshimura answers.

Ayato's eyes grow incredulously wide, not believing his own ears, and Touka jumps up, fists balled at her sides.

"No way, Mr. Yoshimura!!" She exclaims, her eyebrows pulled into a concerned knot. "You can't kill Y/N, she's just a kid! She has done nothing wrong!"

"Murdering a 13 year old who just lost her only parent does seem kind of cruel to me..." Irimi chimes in, to which Koma nods. "It is. Human or not, it's an innocent life we'll be taking."

"What other options are there? Sending the kid to the CCG and compromise our identities?" Yomo questions. "You have a point, Yomo. I'd rather not." Koma responds, scratching the back of his neck.

"Are you guys serious?!" Touka cries out. "I can't believe this." She then turns to Ayato, who still looks shocked. "Ayato, say something! You saved Y/N right? You don't want her to die either, right?"

He wanted to scream at everyone there, for even suggesting to do something as horrible as murder you. But... Yoshimura did have a point. If they send you off to the CCG, you would become a dove. He didn't want you to become a dove, because that meant he has to hate your guts for more reasons than you being a human. Besides that, it'll mean you could compromise everyone's identity if asked. Was killing you really the only option here? Couldn't there be any other solution?

Touka scoffs at Ayato's silence, before turning to the manager again. "Mr. Yoshimura, you can't be serious. She's already been through hell. She trusts us..."

"It's cruel, but I don't know what else we could do..." Irimi mutters, her facial expression full of worry. "Doesn't she have any other family she could stay with?"

"I checked already, she doesn't." Yomo answers.

Silence falls in the room, and everyone looks down to the floor — solemn expressions plastered on their faces. We're they really about to murder this child? An innocent girl, who has already lost everyone close to her? Her final moments would be cruel for sure, knowing the last people who took care of her betrayed her trust in them.

"Can't she just live with us here?" Ayato suddenly breaks the silence, making everyone look at him. "I-I mean, do whatever you guys want, but... If you guys can't pick a choice, maybe just let her stay here for now until you can decide on what to do with the brat."

Touka's frown changes into a small, grateful smile, as she places a hand on his shoulder. "Ayato..."

"That so happened to be my third and last option." Yoshimura states, resulting in everyone snapping their attention back to him. "We let Y/N live with us for a while. That way, we can keep a close eye on her, so she won't be able to inform the CCG or do anything reckless behind our backs." He says.

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