8 | Healing

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A little clarification: the characters are aged up just a little bit. Y/N is around 16. Ayato is 17, Touka is 19, Kaneki 20 and Hinami 14. I know they are canonically supposed to be around 1-2 years younger, (except Hinami, I think) but I did this to plan ahead a bit for future events.

"You damn idiot!! Why would you jump in front of her?! Do you want to die, you moron?!"

"No, I don't... but I was done feeling useless. T-Touka always saves me, so I thought I'd finally s-save her."

"You're a fucking fool, Y/N."

"Y-you're the foolish one, Ayato... You're not a monster, d-didn't I already tell you that? You dummy."


You gasp as you jolt awake, immediately clutching your stomach in pain at the sudden movement. Memories quickly flood back to you. Remembering helping Touka, Ayato, then Kaneki, before you ultimately passed out.

You look down at your body, lifting your shirt to see bandages wrapped around your stomach and both your arms, where Ayato had hit you with his shards.

You lie down on your back again, a frustrated sigh escaping your lips as you look up at the ceiling of your bedroom.

Ayato had accidentally hit you with his Kagune, which was entirely your own fault since you decided to jump in front of Touka. Yet, you didn't regret it one bit, because you finally were able to help someone out who's always there by your side. You finally felt useful, even if it was just a little bit.

You think back to Ayato, remembering the look in his eyes after he watched you fall down onto your knees. You wanted to feel bad for him, but couldn't. Not after he tried to badly hurt Touka. You wonder what happened to him after Kaneki took you away.


You immediately jolt up again, ignoring the sharp pain from your wounds as you run out your bedroom door on wobbly legs, only for Touka to catch you in the living room.

"Y/N?! What in the hell are you thinking, you idiot?!" She yells at you, urging you back inside your room and sitting you down on your bed again.

"First, you jump in to save me, almost dying in the process, and now this? You just woke up after being out for three days, so calm the fuck down, will you?!" She berates you, though she is gentle as she makes sure you lie back down on the bed.

Your eyes widen as you realize how long you've been out, immediate guilt washing over you as you look back at Touka's worried expression.

"Touka, I'm sorry..." You mutter. "I didn't realize it was that bad. I just wanted to save you like you always save me."

Touka sighs, running a hand through her hair. Her expression softens exponentially as she locks eyes with you, yet her tone is still stern. "Y/N, what you did was so idiotic, so undeniably stupid that it almost makes me laugh." She states. "How did you even manage to get away from Irimi and Hinami? You could've died out there!" She says as she gestures to your wounds.

You wince in embarrassment, squeezing your eyes shut. "I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have... But I couldn't just watch and wait while you all fought to rescue Kaneki, so I sneaked off." You mutter softly. "And then when Ayato attacked you, I acted without thinking."

"You're a dummy, Y/N..." she mutters, pinching the bridge of her nose. "But... Thank you. You saved my life out there." You smile sheepishly, and you rub the back of your neck. "It was nothing. See it as a thank you for babying me for three years already." You both laugh for a bit, until your eyes light up.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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