7| Aogiri

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"There don't seem to be any customers today..." You mutter as you wash some cups, handing them to Kaneki who dries them off.

"They increased the number of doves around here. Everyone is too cautious to go out at times like these." Touka replies from across the room.

As if on cue, the bell dings, a guy with a group of masked people entering behind him. The atmosphere quickly becomes tense after that.

"Ah, welcome." Kaneki says with a smile, joyfully greeting the large man, but the guy frowns as he looks down at him, seemingly very displeased.

"Is the manager here?"

Kaneki cowers back, immediately feeling threatened by the large man. "The manager? H-he—"

He then grabs Kaneki by the collar, interrupting him. "Stop stuttering. I asked if the manager is in." He states again, his eyes narrowed with annoyance.

"T-The manager is out for a bit." Kaneki stammers out, a panicked look on his face as he tries to wriggle out of the mans strong grip. "Out? Then where did he go?!" The guy raises his voice, leaning closer towards poor, trembling Kaneki.

"Hey!" Touka calls out, interrupting the tense situation. "What is this all about? If you have business here, at least order some coffee!"


You sit down across from the guy with Touka and Kaneki, the rest of the masked group still standing. You nervously fidget with your apron, not liking the situation at all. It felt like something bad was about to happen. But as always, there wasn't much you could do about it.

"If you have business with the manager, we can tell him you stopped by." Kaneki says, cutting through the silence. "I don't know when he'll get back, but we can assure you we'll pass along a message to him!"

The man takes a sip of his coffee, before looking up again. "I have a question for the three of you." He states as his facial expression turns serious. "Do you guys know Kamishiro Rize?"

Kaneki's eyebrows shoot up, glancing at you and Touka before the guy continues.

"My name is Banjou Kazuichi, I'm from ward 11." He says. "I was Rize's acquaintance in the 11th ward. Rize told me she would go to the 20th ward, so I believe she might've been around here."

Touka leans forward, a straight faced expression on her face. "So? Why do you think she's here?"

Banjou sighs. "When Rize left, she showed to take interest in this café. She—"

Banjou then pauses, smelling the air as he looks at Kaneki, and then his eyes widen as he leans in, his face turning sour. "You..." He says, grabbing Kaneki by the collar once again. "Why do you smell like Rize, huh?!"

You get up from your seat, your eyes narrowed in frustration at the rudeness this guy constantly keeps demonstrating.

"Hey, let go of him!" You state, making Banjou snap his attention to you.

"Stay out of this, you tiny human." He says as he glares down at you. "This has nothing to do with you."

"Stop being rude in our café!" Touka shouts, and Banjou immediately falls into obedient, almost shame-faced silence for a moment. It was almost funny how quickly he listened to another ghoul, and not to you. But it wasn't anything you weren't used to.

"Are you... Are you Rize's man?" He asks, causing Kaneki to furiously shake his head.

"N-no, my relationship with her is..."

"Your relationship?!" The guy yells out, his face growing red from anger.

Banjou tries to punch Kaneki, but he dodges, all the while he tries to explain himself.

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