5 | Mask

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"There we go!" You say as you wipe your hands clean on your pants, looking at the small room now cleaned thoroughly.

Around two and a half years have passed, and you had officially moved into Touka's apartment in Anteiku today. It wasn't a permanent decision, but you needed some more time before you could move out and get your own place to say. You were still a bit too young (and broke) to get your own place, so moving into Ayato's old bedroom seemed like the best option. It hurt like hell, knowing he wouldn't probably ever come back, and claiming his old room as yours felt kinda shitty, but you were grateful you could have a warm bed to sleep in and a roof over your head.

A lot has happened in the time Ayato was gone. Recently, a new guy started working at Anteiku, his name is Kaneki Ken. You remember him being a frequent customer, along with his friend Hideyoshi Nagachika. That was until one night, when he got into an accident involving the binge-eater Rize Kamishiro, and he came back as a half-ghoul.

You didn't know that much about Rize, since everyone kept you out of her sight as much as possible. There were a few ghouls that Mr. Yoshimura wanted to keep as far away from you as he could, and she was understandably one of them. She was the binge eater after all.

Aside from all that happened, you didn't even know it was possible to create a half-ghoul. Sure, you had heard rumors about half-ghouls existing, but you thought it meant that a human and a ghoul would have a baby, which was extremely rare on it's own. You hadn't ever thought about a human becoming a ghoul due to an organ transplant, but apparently, it is possible. Kaneki Ken is proof of that.

Kaneki started working at Anteiku as well, having been taken in by Mr. Yoshimura. He's kinda awkward and shy at times, but the two of you quickly hit it off and became friends. He had a lot of trouble adapting to his new life style as a ghoul, so he appreciated the words of you, a human, to get him through it all. You didn't feel like you were that much help, but if he appreciated it, then that's all that matters.

Aside from Kaneki, you also became friends with another girl, even though she was a few years younger than you. Her name is Hinami, and she stops by often with her mother, Ryoko. Hinami is pretty quiet, but the two of you get along well. Her and her mother are ghouls, but very peaceful ones. Even more peaceful and harmless than any other ghoul you've ever met.

Hinami's dad apparently was busy with work, so that meant they would often be at Anteiku. It took a bit of time before Hinami finally opened up, especially towards you, but she quickly became very fond of both you and Touka.

Anteiku became lively again, which you had missed. Because after Ayato had left, both Touka and you felt very depressed for a long time.

Ayato never returned after he had left those two years ago, and you've never really forgiven yourself for what you had said on the day he left. Only god knows wherever he was right now, but you knew it couldn't be that good. You had heard rumors of a young ghoul stealing the hunting grounds of many other ghouls in the 14th ward when he had left, and everyone at Anteiku was pretty sure it was Ayato's doing.

A knock on the apartment door shakes you from your thoughts, and the sound of Kaneki's voice is heard from the other side.

"Y/N it's Kaneki, can I come in?"

You turn towards the door. "Sure."

Kaneki opens the door, a slightly nervous smile on his face. "Y/N, Mr. Yoshimura told me to ask you if you could take Touka's shift again tomorrow, if it's possible."

You dramatically groan in response, slumping forward. "Again? Damn, I was happy to finally have a day off." You mutter to yourself, before looking at Kaneki again. "Why now? Does she have to study again?" You ask, to which Kaneki shakes his head.

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