The Hunt Begins

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The lands of Ossus welcomed the arrival of the Night Buzzard ship with a tumultuous storm, its fierce winds and relentless rain a fitting backdrop for the darkness that had recently descended upon the planet. As the vessel touched down near the flattened remains of Skywalker's temple, Ben, now christened Kylo Ren, emerged, his new mask obscuring his face in a shroud of menacing shadows.

Beside him, the Knights of Ren emerged from their ship, their dark cloaks billowing in the storm.

"Search the forests," Kylo commanded, his voice cutting through the howling winds. The Knights nodded in silent acknowledgment, dispersing into the night to carry out their orders.

Alone now, Kylo reached up to his mask, his gloved fingers tracing the intricate lines of its design. With a swift motion, he removed the mask, revealing his visage beneath. Raindrops cascaded down his features, mingling with the fury that burned within him.

Kylo's gaze fell upon the bodies of the fallen students that had been arranged in solemn rows by someone's hand. Anger surged within him, a seething tempest of fury and hatred. These were the remnants of his former life, now nothing more than lifeless husks, casualties of his actions.

Turning his attention to the remnants of his destroyed hut, he clenched his fists, feeling the raw power coursing through him, fueling his rage. Using the Force, Kylo tore at the debris, hurling chunks of rubble aside with a violent force. As the wreckage shifted, a grim realization dawned upon him. Skywalker had survived his attempt on his life.

A surge of anger coursed through Kylo's veins, mingled with a begrudging respect for his former mentor's resilience.

Kylo's lips curled into a sneer, his eyes ablaze with fury. He may not have succeeded in killing Skywalker, but he vowed to finish what he had started. The hunt was far from over, and Kylo would stop at nothing to eradicate the lingering remnants of the Jedi Order.

With a heavy breath, Kylo replaced the mask on his head, the cold metal a barrier between himself and the storm that raged on around him.

The hunt for Skywalker had begun.

As the storm raged on, the Knights of Ren prowled the dense forests surrounding the temple ruins, their dark figures blending seamlessly with the shadows cast by the twisting trees. They scanned the undergrowth, searching for any signs of life among the tangled roots and fallen branches.

Meanwhile, deep within the cavernous expanse of a nearby cave, a group of young surviving students huddled together, their hearts pounding with fear as they listened to the approaching footsteps outside. Once they heard the engines of the Night Buzzard roar above them, they fled into the safety of the cave, seeking refuge in its shadowy depths.

As two Knights of Ren drew nearer, the children pressed themselves against the cool stone walls of the cave, their breath coming in shallow gasps. With no light to guide them, they relied on instinct alone, their senses heightened by the terror of the moment.

The sound of footsteps grew louder, echoing ominously through the cavern as the Knights approached the entrance. The children held their breath, their eyes wide with dread, as the looming figures of the dark warriors loomed into view.

One of the Knights paused, his gaze falling upon a discarded lightsaber lying forgotten on the ground. With a curious tilt of his head, he bent down to inspect the weapon, his gloved fingers tracing its contours.

The young students held their breath as the Knight examined the lightsaber, their hearts hammering in their chests. They knew that discovery would mean certain doom, their fate sealed by the merciless hands of their pursuers.

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