Electronic flag

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As its name suggests, the electronic flag is an accessory meant to be used for Nerf war games that involve a "flag", such as Capture the Flag. It features a carry handle, as well as a series of buttons for choosing game modes and preparing it for use. When the flag is moved from a stand still position, an alarm is set off, letting other players known that the flag has been taken.

"AAA" batteries

"AAA" batteries

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Game modes

The flag has two games built into it: Capture the Flag and Seek and Disarm. The power on switch allows the user to select the game mode.

Capture the Flag

Capture the Flag has no set time limit and plays like a regular game of Capture the Flag.

Seek and Disarm

Seek and Disarm is a game where the electronic flag must be "disarmed" within a chosen time limit. The flag counts down with the lights on top of it flashing; there are also audio cues for when there are only a few minutes left, as well as a final countdown. The user can choose between a five or fifteen minute game. To "disarm" the flag, the user must press the button on top of the flag. There is also an alarm that sounds whenever the flag is picked up.

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