Chapter One.

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I stood behind the tall wooden doors that lead into the Great Hall. Behind them, I could hear the first years being sorted into their houses, cheers coming from the room every few minutes as a house was called.
As I waited for my turn, I couldn't help but admire the engravings on the door, designs of flowers and swirls all along the sides, while in the middle were four house crests.
A badger representing HufflePuff, a raven for RavenClaw, a lion for Gryfindorr and lastly a serpent for Slytherin.

I wondered what house I'd be sorted into, but I had a fair idea.

Starting your 6th year of wizardry in a new school is pretty intimidating. I'm a transfer student from Durmstrang Institute, North Europe. I must of been the only student from Ireland that didn't attend Hogwarts considering it's the closest. Apparently I was ahead with my magic, more advanced, so I was advised by the head professor in Durmstrsng to transfer. Why I went there in the first place, I'll never know.

But it's not too bad, when summer came I went home and I would spend some days with people who went to Hogwarts, my best friend actually attends Hogwarts, Raelyn, she's in Slytherin. We have always spoke about the "what if" of me starting Hogwarts, little did she know in a few minutes our "what's ifs" would become reality.

It suddenly got quite from the other side of the doors, and I knew I would be called soon, to get sorted. I couldn't quite tell what I was feeling, nervous of course but also excited, I couldn't wait to see the look on Raelyns face when I walk in. A smile appeared on my face thinking about it. I haven't seen her in so long.

I felt my chest rising up and down, I had to remind myself to breathe. My right hand had found its way to my left wrist, playing with a charm bracelet my (adoptive) parents got me to remind me of home, a dainty little silver chain with a shamrock hanging off, with a little emerald gem in the middle.

I heard the doors start to creek open, 'here we go' I thought to myself. I couldn't help but stare at my feet, but when I knew the doors were fully opened I looked up, what was ahead of me was breathtaking.

Hundreds of floating candle sticks filled the ceiling with a night sky in the background, it was beautiful. It reminded me of all the times I would sneak onto my roof and star gaze.
Four large flags hung over the large stretch of tables, Slytherin to my far left, then Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and to my far right Gryfindorr.

I saw, what felt like, a thousand pair of eyes staring at me. I started walking between Ravelclaws and Hufflepuffs table, making my way to Professor McGonagall who stood at the top of the room holding what I presumed was the sorting hat, waiting for me to take a seat on the stool underneath it.

I could hear whispers from either side of me, which I expected, I'm sure it's not every year someone starts late. I felt my hands getting clamy as I was still walking down the hall, it felt like I would never reach where I was going.

"Layla?" I heard to my left, as I looked over towards the Slytherin table, I saw Raelyn standing, wide eyed and a huge smile across her face. I smiled back at her, letting out a small giggle, I gave her a wink before turning my head forward again.

I reached Professor McGonagall, giving her a small smile to which she returned. I sat down and felt the hat being placed on my head. Again, I had to remind myself to breathe, as my hand reach back over to my wrist. Whenever I feel nervous or anxious my hands need to fiddle with something.

As I looked forward, I started noticing some people from different houses. Raelyn introduced me to a few people whenever I would visit her over the summer. Small waves coming my way made me relax, I smiled back, not wanting to move.

The hat began to speak, I froze as I sat, biting my lip.

"Let's see what we have here, eh?" The hat started, "Very brave I see which is a good trait to have.." I looked over at the Gryfindorr table, my glance happened to land on a dark haired boy, with glasses, as he looked back he put his hand to his forehead, as if he suddenly got a pain in his forehead, 'weird' I thought.

"Also very smart but not from books, you have a natural instinct and power in you.." he continued, as I looked at the Ravenclaw table.
"I can tell deep down you have a kind heart, very trustworthy too towards the people you love.." I looked towards Hufflepuff.
"Ahh but you see, you are destined for greatness, a lot of pride about yourself too I'm sensing, which you are proud of I can tell.." A small smirk appeared on my face at that comment. I looked down, took a deep breathe and looked up towards Raelyn. I could tell she couldn't wait any longer either, the anticipation in her eyes.

"Let me see.." the hat continued.

"Better be.."


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