Chapter 18: Results Unintended Pt. 2

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One Day Prior to the Match

"Devon Zaitsev." I read his name out loud from the hunter's database pulled up on my phone screen.

The Hunters Association has been watching him closely ever since he was reported forcefully feeding on humans by multiple unknown sources. We didn't have enough evidence to arrest him. Yet.

What the database did reveal, to my surprise, was that he was allergic to AB negative blood type. I was O negative, but the information could still be useful.

It was the morning after my first day in town and I didn't expect to feel this content. The sudden rush at the mention of the man I've dedicated my entire life to eradicating felt euphoric. Gaining new information on my target comforted me—cradled me more than any pair of arms ever could. Apart from one.

The calloused scars that painstakingly replaced my wounds shred each time I remembered my mother's embrace. It hurts. But it reminds me why I'm still here. The day I find that man is the day I can finally rest. Until then, I'm back on the hunt.

After patiently sitting through the good-morning phone call from Priscilla, I made my way back down to the Inn where Grizzly served me a hearty porridge breakfast. Still chewing on my last bite of cinnamon toast I left the Inn and tried my best to follow the directions to the fighting arena that those two vamps in the booth gave me yesterday.

After an hour of wandering the town streets I admitted my defeat. This place was a maze of unmarked alleyways and misleading dead-ends. One of which led me right to a storefront named 'Food for Thought'. Rather not. Go in there, that is.

I sighed heavily coming to terms with the fact that I needed to ask for help. Sucking up my dread as best I could, my feet dragged me through the door.

A warm waft of spices and rose water hits my nose as soon I enter. The place was vacant save for the tiny radio playing classical music in the corner of the restaurant. The interior was quaintly decorated with old-fashioned flowery wallpaper and antique furniture. Hand-made doilies were scattered on every possible surface.

Perusing around the place looking for its owner, it wasn't long before my search abruptly ended. A body emerged from a set of beaded curtains colliding with me as they backed out of the kitchen holding a pot of steaming soup.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!" I grabbed hold of the pot by its handles before the middle-aged, curly-haired lady dropped it to flail her hands in the air as she screamed in terror.

"Did you see another bug out there Connie? I'm on my way to the rescue!"

I watch as a slender, mousy mustached man walks up behind the stout, blonde woman with a rolled-up piece of paper his arm raised in striking position. When he sees me, he promptly lowers it.

"Welcome in! Have a seat, look over the menu and we'll be with you shortly." He uncurls the piece of paper he had in his hand and gives it to me.

"I just wanted to ask for some—" directions. I almost finished saying before I'm navigated to a table by the lady who had flour streaks painted all over her aproned outfit.

"I'm so sorry! Didn't mean to walk into you like that. I get startled easily. Thank you for saving my mushroom soup. How about a bowl on the house? Have a seat! Sit, sit, right here!"

"Thank you but I—" She takes the pot from my hands.

"No. Thank you for visiting. We've been trying to get some new customers. The regulars are starting to bore us. I think the flyers are finally working, Lowery! Which part of the Clan are you from? I don't think I've ever seen your face before. I would have remembered a beauty like you." She asks me.

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