Date Night

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The hospital corridors echoed with the soft murmur of nurses and the steady beep of machines, signaling a momentary lull in our hectic schedules.

Roohi and I, dedicated healers bound by a shared passion for medicine, found ourselves with a rare break in our day, in the canteen.

"Agastya! Hii" she comes running towards me and gives me a tight hug.

"Hii, Roo" I bring my arms around her waist and return the hug.

God, she is so tiny.

We go take our seats and as a gentleman I pulled the chair for her.

"Ooh thanks" she says raising her eyebrows at me.

"What? I am a gentleman, and I know it, don't give me that shocked reaction." I muttered.

"Aww, your girlfriend will be so lucky, I am so jealous." She huffs

I chuckle and shuffle her hair, because I know it'll annoy her and she looks cute when she is annoyed.

"Hey!" She hits me on my arm with her fruitful strength.

I take my seat opposite her and ask what she'll have. We both ordered grill sandwich and black coffee for ourselves.

"So, how's life." Roo tries to start a conversation. She's bad at it but at least she tried. I like this girl so much for it.

"Don't talk like we are meeting after hundreds of days. I just went to this crazy birthday party and met some crazy friends of yours."

"Hawwwwww, they are not crazy, I mean Annika is a bit, but Kia and Adik, no no they are the best. Don't ever say anything bad about them, or else I won't spare you." She glares at me, well at least tries to glare.

"Sorry ma'am, Nhi bolunga kuch bhi aapke precious friends ko."

"Good boy" she gives me a mischievous grin. 

My heart flutters at that. She is so beautiful; she has no idea about it, and I'd love to tell her so all my life. Every day, every damn moment I'd just praise her to get her blushing.

The guy at the counter calls out our name for taking the order making me break my thoughts.

After bringing our lunch we start eating. Roohi immediately starts eating as if she hasn't eaten for years. "Easy Roo, eat slowly."

She rolls her eyes, "So considerate, oh btw yesterday you said you want to tell me something, what is it?"

I want to ask her out, on a date but only if I had the fucking guts in me to do so.

Idiot, you just have to say "will you be my girlfriend Roo" what's so difficult in that.

My brain just talked to me. What the actual fuck?

Are you dumb? It's you talking to yourself.

I- what?

Idiot! Don't change the topic, just say it come on! She is waiting for you to say something. You are lost in your own world!

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