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Sam walked down the street with Lane behind him. They dodge a cart speeding down the rocky road of Ilium. He sees Ferran ahead standing outside of a store talking to his younger brother Ragnar.

"Is that?" Lane asks stopping Sam.

"Ragnar and Ferran." Sam responds looking down at her. Her light hair and golden eyes shine slightly in sadness.

"The last we saw them we had all just snuck out and I got my scar." Lane points to her scar going across the top of her nose.

"It was your fault, you thought they went down." Sam laughs.

The look in her eyes stay even as she laughs, "Yeah, well I thought someone was watching my back. But alas he knocked himself out."

"Hey!" Sam laughs at the memory of him hitting himself on the head so hard he knocked himself out in the middle of a fight. Their friends on one side a group of thieves on the other. Evalin ended up having to carry Sam, with wind, for five blocks. At the thought of his sister something like regret pulls at him.

"Let's go say hi." Lane says picking up her long white dress and starting over. The sword at her side sways and hits someone as she walks. At the sight of Sam and his Fae body they turn away quickly.

"Lane! Sam!" Ragnar says spotting them. He picks Lane up and spins her around she laughs hitting him in the arm when he puts her down. Sam and Ragnar give each other curt by happy nods.

"Sam, Lane." Farren nods at both of them with a smile.

Ragnar and Farren stand at the same height now, both only a bit shorter than Sam. They have matching dark brown hair that goes with their sister's. They all look as if they could be triplets. Ragnar's hair reaches just down past his ears but Ferran's is cut short. Most likely from his time in the army.

"How have you been?" Sam asks starting a conversation.

"Good, the army keeps me in shape." Ferran says, "Or at least it did."

"Yes well you don't ignore a summon from the queen." Lane says quietly. She turns away trying to hide her tears that only Sam notices.

"Ragnar?" Sam asks.

"Yeah good. I've been traveling I saw Eva a few times." Ragnar looks behind him, "We should probably head to the meeting."

"Let's just get this over with." Sam says leading the group to the meeting, some theater put in by his mother. She put a theater in every town, for her friends of music and art she always says.

Two wyverns sit atop the theater one reaching down with its long neck to smell the flowers from the cart below. Asterin and Rin must already be here. A woman comes down the side of the building, he sees Asterin glance behind her and she sees the four of them.

Rin lands beside her waving at them. They each put up a hand in return. Rin's black hair falls loosely around her reaching her middle back, Asterin's long white hair is up high but still sits below her waist. Both of them wear riding gear and red capes.

"Lane!" Rin squeals hugging her old friend. They hug tightly for a beat before smiling at each other and turning towards the group. Asterin's eyes study the crowd waiting for a threat of some sort.

"I already checked, no threat." Sam said to Asterin.

"So did I but I'm looking for everyone else who I assume got a summon." She swings around her hair hitting Ragnar in the face.

"Ouch." Ragnar smiles rubbing his face she turns and smiles back slightly.

"Miss me?" Eva asks walking in behind Sam he turns to see his cousin.

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