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Nyx lifts his sister up and puts her on a table. Asra makes some sort of strangled noise and she pushes her side more. Blood spills out slowly and she closes her eyes tightly.

Seren beside him paces back and forth blocking the healer from getting to Asra. Nyx opens his mouth to tell Seren to stop.

But the healer beats him to it, "Get out my way if you want her live."

Seren looks at her anger flashing in eyes but he steps to the side anyway.

"That's what I thought." She snaps.

"Lane." Evalin mumbles, not much conviction in her voice. Amusement dances in her eyes as she watches Lane smile at Seren.

"Is she going to be okay?" Nyx asks making eye contact with Asra.

"Yes. She will be fine." Lane says putting her curly golden hair up.

"Lane is the best healer in all of Eirlea." Evalin says coming up next to Nyx.

She watches his friends walk in and they look hesitant to even breathe. She studies them, most likely noting hidden weapons and powers.

"Not the best." Lane say quietly glancing at Evalin with regret in her eyes.

Nyx looks down at Evalin and notes the bandages that are almost all hidden from her black suit. He wonders what happened and almost moves to ask.

"Marion, go get more chairs." Sam, Evalin's brother, orders.

Some sort of emotion goes through her once she looks at Asra. Her eyes widen and she looks away before nodding and leaving.

Seren looks like he wants to after her, anger filling his eyes. But their cousin Naza steps forward first grabbing his wrist and bringing him to the other room.

She looks back and Nyx nods to her. She gives a small smile but it disappears when Evalin and her make eye contact. Evalin's head cocks to the side and she gives a smile. Not like the one from earlier today that promised blood shed. This one was a friendlier one, as if she found interest in Naza. Of course Naza smiles back with the same smile, and Nyx wonders if some sort of friendship has bloomed from a smile.

"What's her power?" Evalin asks elbowing Nyx's arm lightly.

"Naza? Pure death." Nyx answers.

"Mm. Interesting." Evalin says smirking.

"What's his?" Nyx asks return motioning to a guy with long black hair. He's tall with black eyes and big shoulders.

"Ferran Salvaterre. Death magic." Evalin answers.

"And his?" He motions to the guy next to him, blonde hair, blue and gold eyes.

"My brother Sam. Water and wind." She looks at his friends and her eyes stop on Paz.


"Paz, illusions." Nyx bends down by her to whisper it. He did this because Seren was watching him and he knew his brother would be angry with him for telling her about their friend's abilities.

"I'm done. She'll be fine by tomorrow morning." Lane says. Sam steps forward and guides her to the room next to the one they were in.

"Told you she was the best." Evalin says.

"Yeah." Nyx says stepping closer to his sister. She looks fine, her color back and no wound.

"Mala." Evalin says going around on the other side of Nyx.

Mala, Evalin's sister Nyx guesses, steps forward and starts shooing his friends into the other room. Ferran and Marion with the chairs are the last to enter. Leaving only Nyx, Asra, and Evalin.

"She'll be fine. You need to hear this too." Evalin says.

"Look, I don't need to hear anything. Just place us somewhere and we'll get it done and then leave." Nyx snaps, there was more aggression than he meant.

A knife is drawn to his throat a second later, Nyx straightens and looks down to Evalin. Her eyes narrow and she looks at him a threat promised in her eyes.

She pushes him back hard enough that he hits the wall. She on him a second later the knife to his throat again.

"Look, I don't care if you don't want to listen to me. But this is my kingdom and this is my war, you offered your services and I was kind enough to offer partnership. But I will gladly take it away and order you around." Evalin growls. A fire crown dances on her head, blue and mesmerizing.

"Like you could order me around." Nyx challenges. He flips them so her back is on the wall. She pushes the knife deeper drawing blood.

"Oh trust me, I can take you in a fight, so don't try it." Evalin says. Nyx suddenly realizes how close they are, their breaths mixing.

Nyx relaxes a bit once he realizes that he's also kind of stopping her breathing. She takes the advantage and flips them back around. He hits the wall hard, his air leaving him.

"Wouldn't dream of it, love." Nyx grunts trying to breathe again.

She smirks this time more playful and daring than the other ones. Something in Nyx turns and for some reason he's smirking back at her.

"Good. Now let's go, before they rip each other apart." She leans off of him and he grabs her arm spinning her around. The knife drops to the ground but a sound of pain leaves her.

"Two things; one just so long as you don't try anything with me either."

"Deal." She breathes looking him in the eyes but also trying to move her arm out of his grip. He lets go and grabs both her hands in one of his, his other hand on her hip keeping her against the wall.

"Two what happened to your arms?" Nyx asks.

She swallows hard and he watches the movement closely, something in him turns again but he ignores it. His eyes flick back to hers and there's some kind of pleading in them but they go away in an instant.

"You'll have to buy me a drink before that story ever comes out." She says trying to get out of his grasp again.

"Fair enough." Nyx says.

"How about you? Got any dark secrets you want to share over a drunk chat?" She cocks her head to the side again and damn why it so. . .

Gods he needs to concentrate, "Maybe. Too bad you'll never get to hear them princess."

"Mm. Anyway. Unless you want your friends to die in this war I should probably debrief them." She smiles slyly.

"Yeah. That would be good." Nyx says letting go of her and pushing off the wall.

She steps around him putting the knife back at her hip before stepping into the room. Nyx watches each movement and each step she takes. The way her hips sway and the way she shakes her hand in anticipation.

She got into Nyx's head, and he needs to figure it out before he makes a very stupid mistake.

— — — — — — —


I have another story, that's more of a romance between these characters.


This is my main story and updates will be every weekend. Maybe a bit more with summer coming!

Comment and enjoy! Love you all!

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