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Evalin was leaning against one of the wooden poles of the docks. Her hood covered her features, but enough people gave her a few looks as if trying to place her.

Marion and her husband, that was new, unloaded their many crates of luggage and weapons. Upon Marion's long black hair sat a small crown. Marion would become Queen of Dornelle in a few months. When the Queen stepped down and allowed Aemon and Marion to take over.

The first Demi-Fae queen. Marion couldn't have been more proud of herself, so Evalin didn't remind her that it only counted for Dornelle and not the world.

Marion wore a long green dress that matched the jewel in her crown, a thick silver belt adorned her waist. Matching silver thick silver cuff bracelets sat on her wrists.

Her husband a Fae warrior stood as tall as Sam. The two actually looked quite similar, both had blonde hair and blue eyes. Sam's eyes had the gold in them, but still they had the same broad shoulders and build really.

A ship had docked a few minutes ago, fifteen people came off the ship, all wearing fighting gear. Most had hoods up or just looked away from any prying eyes.

One wore Terrasen green colors but a golden mask, that matched her hair, sat on her face. Evalin was tempted to ask the girl what part of Terrasen she was from. But she refrained. And another wore a full white suit, head to toe.

The group just looked strange, one girl looked like she was ready to jump in the air and take off any second.

It put Evalin on edge so she sent a messenger to go tell her. . . court to stay near the docks. She saw the two wyverns Alkos and Ageos slinking from building to building. They were surprisingly well hidden. You would have to be looking for them to notice them.

Marion comes off the ship again towards Evalin, "Are you done staring at them?"

"No, and I sent for back up." Evalin says smoothly moving off of the pole to get a better look at them.

One, a male with purple eyes and pitch black hair was staring at her. She turned her head as if assessing her surroundings before looking back at Marion.

"One of them is staring." Evalin says calmly to her friend.

Marion inhales deeply and glances to the side as if trying to see, "Okay, fine they are a bit. . . strange."

"A bit?" Evalin retorts raising an eyebrow.

"Whatever." Marion rolls her eyes and slips her arm through Evalin's. Marion was an inch taller than Evalin at five foot eleven. In heels though.

Evalin's arm burns a bit at the touch but she bites her tongue not wanting to look weak. Evalin wore a green shirt that had no straps, it stopped right above her brown pants. A knife given to her by Fenrys is strapped to her thigh. Knee high brown boots hide at least ten more knifes. She wears a hooded black cloak that reaches down to her ankles. She's been wearing it so tight around her that it's looked as if it was her outfit but now that she's walking and it's opened up you can clearly see her outfit.

Aemon falls in step behind them and mumbles, "Those people are following us."

"Told you." She says to Marion when she tenses under Evalin's arm.

"Yeah, yeah." Marion mumbles.

Marion takes off her bracelet revealing sharp claws that attach to her hand. She straps one on the her hand, retracts them and then does the same with the other bracelet. Asterin and Rin gave her the claws when she was eight, she said she wanted to be their sister so she could have claws of her own. Evalin smiles softly at the memory of Marion squealing while slicing up curtains in the castle.

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