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Luna was practically holding Marion back from killing one of the people. Evalin and Mala were barely controlling themselves too. Everyone was having trouble, especially Luna with that one boy who lunged for Marion.

None of them were giving up names, Luna only knew who Nyx, Asra, and Annika were. It was starting to annoy her it was as if they didn't have names to disclose to them.

Sam was leading the group to the building they went to yesterday. Sam had to lead half the group to the docks after they got the signal to come help. Rin's wyvern started going the wrong way chasing a flower cart.

Now the two wyverns were back to jumping from building to building. They were not being inconspicuous this time.

"Marion, don't." Aemon, her. . . something, says pulling her back again.

"Just let me gut the male." Marion says pushing against Luna and Aemon again.

"No, Marion calm down." Luna says tempted to teleport her halfway across town and leave her there.

Marion doesn't say anything relaxing her shoulders a bit and retracting her fake nails. Marion has always been a sweet girl but if you mess with her or her brothers you won't live to tell the tale. It's how she's always been. Sweetest person ever to a killer in minutes.

Luna's father, Fenrys, always liked Marion for it, he couldn't help himself but to teach Marion almost everything she knew. Luna always guessed he saw something of him in her. Which Lorcan always found funny.

Luna was never jealous of Marion, because she had years with her father, years of laughing and teaching but. . . they weren't as similar. Luna was still his whole world but sometimes that world felt a bit small.

Luna relaxes her grip a little bit on Marion and Aemon intertwines his and Marion's hands, kissing the back of hers. Marion practically sags onto him at the act so Luna lets go of Marion letting Aemon take the lead.

"So who are you?" A voice says behind Luna making her jump.

It's a girl with died red hair and tan skin. Her blue eyes study Luna with excitement filling them. Luna brushes back her blonde hair studying the girl too. She was shorter than most everyone here, shorter than Luna to. But she stood tall, confidence pouring out of her.


"I'm Paz." She says a small smile playing on her lips.

Her eyes were tilted up a little a bit of a wing of makeup bringing them out. It was noticeable, her makeup and bright blue eyes.

The group turns a corner, only a few blocks before the building.

"Can I help you?" Luna asks noticing Paz staring.

"No. It's just," she lowers her voice, "Where are we going?"

"Somewhere to talk." Luna says looking at Paz out of the corner of her eye.

"Yeah, but where?" Paz pushed stepping closer to Luna as they stopped along a corner.

"I don't know, places change." Luna lies.

Paz looks like she wants to ask more but after studying Luna for a few beats she drops it and steps away.

Rhoe steps up beside Luna giving her nod and opening his mouth to talk. But Paz's voice comes from the distance where she's talking to another girl. So Luna puts a finger up and motions towards them, opening her ears to listen.

"She didn't know where we are going." Paz says dropping her voice again.

"Well did you push her, Paz?" The girl with blonde hair and quiver responds.

"Yes, Anya, I did." Paz says glancing behind her where Luna is now looking at her shoe like there's something on it.

A new girl falls into step with them, she also has blonde hair this time braided around her head. She wears a golden mask similar to the one Anya wears.

"Nyx is unsure of what they are up to so we may have to move first. To not give them the upper hand." The new girl says.

"Naza, how do you suppose we do that?" Anya asks slightly changing her grip on her bow, to a better position to shoot if necessary.

Naza sighs contemplating and Luna looks behind her to where Marion has taken out her nails again. Aemon his hand on his sword. They heard too. Rhoe nudges Luna so as to nod before walking away to warn the others.

"We just need to make sure Asra is okay first. Then we attack." Naza says after a few more seconds.

Luna decides now is the best time to teleport after they both nod and go to spread the word. Luna lands next to Evalin and Lane who are both monitoring Asra. Nyx has taken a step back to listen to what Naza has to say to him.

"Be ready." Is all Luna says to the Queen and the healer.

Evalin glances back to Nyx and Naza before nodding and smoothly putting a blade in reaching distance. The blade her father Fenrys gave Evalin as a tenth birthday gift. Luna smiles at the memory but teleports away before anyone notices.

She teleports next to Sam who is leading everyone, he jumps at Luna's approach, "Jeez, Luna, you've gotten better at that."

Luna smiles in pride before remembering what she was here for, "Be ready." She whispers.

He cocks his head so as to look back at the group behind him and he nods. "Okay Lulu."

Luna rolls her eyes at the nickname all boys used to call her. Her father started calling her Lulu as a joke for years but one day Ragnar caught wind of it and ran like the wind to spread it.

Rhoe is laughing with Ragnar and Ferran when Luna looks back, but they all nod ever so slightly at Evalin when she check back.

Luna looks up to see Alric and Mala going from rooftop to rooftop with the wyverns and Asterin and Rin.

Marion has moved up and based on how they are now positioned they almost surround them. They are only one block away from the meeting place, all they need is one block of peace.

Luna teleports to the rooftop next to Mala who only blinks in surprise. "Be-"

"Got it." Mala says, "I heard you." She offers in explanation along with an apologetic smile.

"Okay." Luna says nodding and going to the only open space to surround the new people.

Sam nods to Evalin to lead the way and open the alleyway door with the code. She types it in hurriedly and opens the door wide to show the dark entryway.

Lane, Sam, and Nyx, bring Asra in first and the rest of Nyx's people hesitate but follow after. Naza and Anya stay back letting some of the Terrasen people go first. The Havilliard sisters and Marion and her brothers and boyfriend go in after. Mala and Alric have a staring contest with Naza and Anya before the two finally give up.

Naza and Anya glance back at Luna and Naza mumbles to Anya, "Into the dark killing room we go." Stepping in.

They have no idea what they are walking into, Luna thinks, no idea.

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