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Nyx was rolling his eyes every two seconds at his ridiculous friends. A prank war that was going on at home somehow brought its way onto their ship as they sailed to Eirlea. Now his brother was pink and running after Sepa who was making illusions of herself.

"Get him!" He hears someone yell. A few seconds later Asra, his sister, runs after their brother Seren.

The captain was talking to Nyx about how it would take six weeks to get Erilea. Nyx kept trying to tell the captain that it would not because with two wind manipulators on board it would take a week. Not six. Yet the captain refuses to believe him.

"Nyx, are you coming?" A head pops in revealing his cousin Naza. She has shiny brown hair that is braided down the side reaching her lower back. Her blue eyes study the captain who is staring at her like she's fresh meat. Nyx bites back his anger.

"Yes. Captain?" His eyes snap to him and he swallows hard, "Get out."

The captain goes to protest but Naza's hands burn with her cold flame and he runs out. She glares after him for good measure before putting her white flame away.

"How long until we reach Erilea?" Naza asks still in the doorway.

"One week with our wind." Nyx answers standing from his chair, "What am I coming to?"

"Dinner." She answers and walks out.

Nyx steps out into the hallway but Naza is gone already. So he heads to the dining area where his friends will be sitting. He walks in and sees his brother, Seren, is still a bright pink.

"I don't want to hear it." Seren says shoving his soup into his mouth. The table quietly laughs trying to hide their giggles. Nyx smiles and then tries to hide it and fails.

"It should come out," Eira giggles moving her white hair out of her face, "Should being the key word."

The table erupts in laughter Seren even smiling slightly. The rest of the dinner goes like that, smiling and laughing until they go separately to their own rooms.

Nyx lays down in his bed Seren still in their shared bathroom. He runs his hands through his hair as he stares up at the bunk where Seren will be sleeping. Nyx goes through possibilities of what the Valg, could be.

He'd never heard of such a thing, Valg. He tried to picture them but fails seeing Fae of some sort. What has been bothering Nyx is that they got the distress signal from Dornelle yet they were sailing to Erilea. To add to it, he'd never heard of Erilea or Dornelle.

He believed it could be a trap or something to get their army out of Prythian. He voiced his opinion to his father who agreed in the possibility and so he instead sent them. Nyx didn't know what help they would be, they could fight well but fighting was one thing. Their other task, find out if they could be an ally, that was another part that most of them didn't have knowledge in.

Nyx now was going through battle strategies, something his father taught him. But he couldn't picture much, with not knowing the Valg it was nearly impossible.

Andras, one of the wind manipulators, walks into his room. Nyx sits up and bangs his head on the bunk. Andras snorts trying to hold in a laugh when Seren yells from the bathroom, "Nyx, did you hit your head again!"

"Yes!" Andras yells back laughing out loud now, "Again?"

"I don't want to talk about it." Nyx says rubbing his now sore head.

"Sorry, sorry." Andras laughs slower this time while standing up straighter.

"You needed something?" Nyx asks putting his hand down from his head.

"Yeah, Anya is going to take the night shift. And we just passed a land, they had these creatures flying, heading towards Erilea." Andras says glancing up as if he could still see them.

"I'll get someone to hide us." Nyx says standing up from the bed.

"I already did, but I thought you guys might want to know." Andras says.

Andras was the oldest of all of them being twenty six. Yet he always looked to Nyx to lead them, everyone did. Andras was Tamlin's son, his mother unknown, but he had long blonde hair, was huge in strength, and yet he looked to Nyx. It was something Nyx had never understood.

"Also, with our speed, we will pass the flying creatures and we are following a ship who sails to Erilea. They also are using wind and we will both arrive in four days now. If we keep up the pace." Andras explains.

"I thought you guessed it would take a week."

"We were wrong, we had Boring do it." Boring meaning Boreas. He is smart but likes to suck the fun out of things, his icy personality goes with his powers.

"Okay, well I'm not telling the captain he doesn't listen to me." Nyx says rolling his eyes and sitting back down on the bed. His black hair falls in his eyes he runs his hand through it again.

Seren walks out of the bathroom, after eighty years, "Send Naza, he likes her, or just mind control him."

"I'm going to mind control him." Nyx responds.

"Okay Asra can do it." Seren goes to walk by Andras.

"Do not involve Asra." Nyx says standing again. Gods he couldn't sit for more than five minutes.

"You just don't want her to yell at you about why couldn't you do it." Andras says letting Seren pass.

Nyx grabs his brother's arm and pulls him back in the room. "Yes, I would like to keep my life."

Seren laughs as he's being dragged back in, "She would kill you."

"Yeah." Andras laughs.

The two of them share a look and suddenly Andras turns and runs.

"No!" Nyx yells letting Seren go to run away too. One of them would find Asra before he found both of them.

Nyx runs to Asra's room hoping to get there first, he runs into her open door.

Ha! They went the wrong way.

Asra's eyes lift up to him, "What?"

"Andras and Seren want to cause chaos, and so I'm hiding." He lies.

"Okay well then at least be quiet while I help to hide us with Paz." He nods and sits down grabbing a nearby book.

Paz an illusionist like her two siblings appears in the doorway concentration lining her face. She glances at Nyx before sitting down on the bed with Asra.

Seren runs by and then stops at the open door, "Damn it." He swears looking at Nyx who is smirking at him.

"Sorry." Nyx says smirking still.

Andras stops behind Seren both of them looking in between Asra and Nyx.

"Get out unless you want me to hurt you." Seren swears and runs at Asra's words but Andras hesitates before running after him.

"Thanks sis." Nyx says leaving and closing the door behind him.

He goes to his room and lays down. Three more days till they arrive in Erilea, three more days. Something sits in his gut warning him that something very dangerous was coming.

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