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Anya was pushing herself a bit too hard. She was gasping for breath yet she let loose more wind from her hands. Gave them more of a push. Her blonde hair was flying in the wind.

After she saw those. . . creatures she's been trying to hurry them along to Erilea. Her brother Andras stood beside her concentrating on the task at hand. He didn't even think to worry about her, like when he went around having fun and pulling pranks and left her here to push them along. Then when he did let her sleep he only gave her three hours before she was needed again.

She loves her brother but sometimes he can be. . . unaware. Anya yawns deeply as Nyx comes out his black hair instantly blowing back. He studies the two of them for a minute before walking over. His cousin Naza and their friend Aidan close behind.

Aidan studies her and she holds his gaze. Inhaling deeply again. Andras nods to the three of them but Anya doesn't move.

"Are you okay?" Aidan asks still looking at her.

Andras answers for them, "Yeah we are fine."

Anya shakes her head softly Nyx and Naza now looking for Boreas to distance how much longer. Aidan nods at her and looks to the two before looking back at her.

"Anya, I needed to show you something. Andras you can take over for a bit right?" Aidan motions for her to follow him.

Andras grunts in response and pushes a bit harder against the wind. Aidan grabs her arm as she releases herself from the power. He manages to keep her upright as they head towards the stairs. The wood creaks under them with every step. They go down a dark stair way and reach the middle level.

As soon as they hit the landing Anya's knees give out and Aidan has to catch her.

"Woah, woah." Aidan says leaning her against the wall.

"I'm fine. I just need to rest." Anya gets out.

"Yeah, but I don't think the hallway will be more comfortable than your bed." Aidan says picking her up.

"I can walk Aidan." Anya says, but the feeling of sleep takes over in a few seconds.

— — — — — — —

Anya wakes up a while later to the boat throwing her against the wall. Aidan who was obviously sleeping above her is thrown to the floor when the boat goes the opposite direction.

"Aidan!" She screeches reaching for him.

He puts his hand up as her hand hits his arm, "I'm okay." He groans.

She stifles a laugh, "You sure?"

He looks over at her his black hair covering his eyes, he brushes his hair back showing the white streak along the front of his hair. His golden red eyes fall on her.

She offers a small smile in return. He smiles back and laughs quietly at himself.

"I'm fine, just a bruised ego." Aidan sits up.

"Oh, the fall didn't do that, that's just you." She laughs as he pushes her lightly.

She offers a hand to help him up and he takes it standing up. The boat rocks again and he falls into her bed and hits the wall. She slides right after him but his arm stops her before she hits it. Even sitting here he towers over her, his broad shoulders practically cover her small body.

Anya was thin, mostly because she runs all the time and hunts. It keeps her in shape. But she wasn't that tall, not compared to the guys.

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