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She ducks quickly trying not to get hit by the girls claws. They were iron and what Annika guessed very deadly.

A fight broke out the second Nyx grabbed the Queen, her sister swung hard for Boreas and Seren who were both having trouble with not only the sister but also the creatures above them.

Two of her friends were already knocked out when they tried to escape through the alley but got stopped by some sort of force field. Alia, her sister was on of them, Asra the other.

A flame shoots past Annika's head, the girl she was fighting barks a laugh at what hopefully isn't missing eyebrows on Annika. She claws at the air again and Annika almost trips over Alia.

The girl laughs going to strike again, her red cloak following her movements perfectly. Annika kicks at the girl but she dodges it with fluid ease. This girl is a very well trained warrior.

The darkness where Nyx was standing dissipates showing the two shaking hands. The queen Evalin glances at Annika and the girl she was fighting but doesn't make a move to stop her.

"Asterin." She says evenly, bored almost.

Asterin glances at her queen and smirks slightly before taking a step back. The sister stops shooting her flames and goes to stand next to her queen. A blue flamed crown sitting atop Evalin's head a smaller one on her sister's head.

"Stop." Evalin barks. None of her court even glances at their queen they only back away smirking. She has them in the palm of her hand, but there is still a bit of tension from one of the males.

"Yes, stop." Nyx says his eyes narrowing on Evalin and the princess.

Annika bends down by her sister who looks fine, only a slight bump in her head. She looks to Asra who is barely breathing, Annika's eyes widen in shock. She rushes over to her side to see a shallow cut along her stomach. Shallow but if left untreated deadly.

Another of the girls a one in a green dress looks at her iron nails as if just realizing that she's the one who cut the girl. No remorse lays in her eyes only. . . boredom.

"Nyx." Annika breathes, glancing up to her friend.

He looks behind him fear instantly showing in his eyes as he bends down. Seren leans against the wall eyes wide, he looks to the girl in green hate now filling his eyes.

"No, Seren-" Annika doesn't finish before he lunges for the girl.

A different girl one with blonde hair somehow is in front of the green dress one before Seren can reach her. She pushes Seren back hard before he can reach her.

Andras and Anya lunge next before anyone else can stop them. Evalin steps in front this time a line of blue fire stopping them.

"I. Said. Stop." Evalin's eyes narrow on them as she steps through her own line of flame.

"We don't take orders from you." Zelos barks.

Evalin smiles a wicked thing, a shiver snakes up Annika's back, "Oh, but you do."

Nyx doesn't look at her, even as everyone goes to look at him in shock, "We agreed to work together. We are both in charge."

"So? They still have to listen to me." Evalin's smile goes to Nyx who finally looks back at her. His attention immediately goes back to his sister who is still out.

"We don't have to do shit." Seren spits stepping forward. Aidan in his pure white suit grabs Seren pulling him back.

"Calm down." He mutters looking to Anya who only stares at the queen.

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