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Darkness covers her thoughts, she doesn't remember where she is. It turns her head to look at the girl next to her. Gold eyes force the thing to look away quickly.

"Marion," the girl says quietly.

Is that her name? The thing won't let her know anymore. Is this real? Is the girl with a blue flame crown real or just a dream?

It turns its head again but doesn't look her in the eyes. "Are you okay? I know you didn't mean to hurt Asra but she'll be fine."

It recoils at the thought that it didn't kill the girl with wings, it couldn't get the job done. She tries to push it away and respond but her mouth moves on its own.

She can't even hear what it says. Before it takes full control again and darkness covers her.

A scream escapes her but the darkness covers it. Everything is covered.

She drifts off to some safe dream where the darkness can't reach her.

— — — — — — —


Sorry for not posting and the short chapters. I'm moving cross country and it's been taking up my time. (And slight writers block)

Hopefully I'll be posting regularly soon!

Love you all!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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