Chapter 18 - Ultrasound

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Amara Pov*

I feel the warm sun in my face. I open my eyes slowly and saw that the sun was already rising.

It's been two weeks since I fainted and I've been getting so much better. I've been feeling less pain. I've stopped getting morning sickness.

We already told Ms. Willings and she said that we could take as much time as possible and that she wasn't in a hurry to get it finished.

Today was my second ultrasound and I'm really excited to go see my babies. I also have been gaining weight because I want the best for my babies.

I rub my eyes a few times before deciding to get up. It was July 4 and I was 16 weeks I think today. I put my slippers on and walk outside my room.

I hear some noises coming from the bathroom. It's was a Saturday today so me and Vick were off from work. She had a date with Chase today and were going to see the fireworks in the afternoon.

I slowly approach the bathroom door. I got close enough to hear if Vick was ok.

I knocked on the door twice"Vicky are you alright? "

I didn't hear a replie. I press my ear on the door to hear better. It sounded like she was throwing up.

"I don't care if you don't want me to come in, I'm coming in" I swinged the door open.

I saw her on her knees throwing up into the toilet. Her dark brown hair was almost touching her mouth.

I ran over pulling her hair back. I kneeled down to pull her hair better.I am really worried I never saw Vick this sick. Or when she is sick she hides it from me. So if she's throwing up so much she couldn't even replie to me then it must be a bad stomach bug.

She was throwing up so much. I didn't get any more nausea so I'm happy because if I saw her throwing up like this maybe like four weeks ago I would be throwing up too.

When she was done she leaned on the wall. She looked tired. I got up from my knees and got a cup from the side of the sink and filled it up with water so she could rinse her mouth.

She grabbed the cup and rinsed her mouth. She looked kinda pale.

"Are you ok? " I asked worried.

"Yeah" she replied immediately.

She stooded up slowly and flushed the toilet. She washed her hands and went back to the living room were her yoga mat was laying.

"Stop lying Vick your not fine you just threw up so much" I followed her to the living room.

"I'm fine I must have ate something bad" She replied as she started to play her video that was a exercise video.

"Yeah but you shouldn't be exercising you look pale" I commented.

"No I don't" She replied as she started to do some jumping jacks

"You kinda do" I said.

"I don't and I'm fine" She looked over at me with a face that said"I am really fine"

I didn't trust her because she always lies about being fine. I looked at her straight in the eyes.

"I really I'm, I might have ate something bad yesterday at work" She said.

"Alright but then be careful in what you eat today" I suggested.

"Yeah, um did you sleep well? " I asked because she looked tired and I know she likes to wake up early and go on runs.

"Yeah I did, I think I'm just stressed about the dead line of our project because we only have ten weeks left and all we have down in the flooring and walls" She said as she paused her video.

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