Chapter 8- First doctor appointment

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I was so nervous when I heard my name get called in. But Noah squeezed my hand and felt much better.

"Here" I said when standing up and Noah holding my hand.

"Follow me to room eleven and my name is Nurse Maurry" said Nurse Maurry.

We got up and I started to feel so nervous. But I felt safe when Noah pressed his warm hand on my lower back.

We walked into the room. After that they weighed me and measured my height and took my pressure.

After we were in the room. I felt nervous but I had Noah.

"Alright Doctor Willow will be with you shortly" Nurse Maurry said.

She then left and the room fill quiet. It was weird.

"Are you excited to see our baby? " Noah asked with smile.

"Kinda, I'm a bit nervous" I said while biting my lips.

"Everything is going to be ok" he reassured.

I took a big deep breath and I sighed. I felt safe when I was with Noah. I sqeezed his hand tightly and looked at him in his beautiful hazel eyes. I really love those eyes.

We made eye contact and I looked away. He saw me staring at him. I was feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Enjoying the view? " he asked and I just blushed and nodded.

Then he giggled. I looked up at him and touched his beautiful brown and blonde hair. I rubbed it and kinda made his hair messy.

"Hey don't ruin my perfect coiffure," he said while passing his fingers through his hair.

I giggled and looked at him that he was fixing his hair. He was standing up and then he looked at me. He pressed a gentle kiss on my lips.

Then he placed a kiss on my small bump. He looked me in the eyes. It was cute. Then he grabbed my hand and sqeezed it gently.

We quickly looked at the door when we heard someone coming in.

"Hello I'm Dr. Willow, "Dr. Willow said with a big smile.

" Hi I'm Amara Rosia and this is Noah Anderson, " I said while putting my hand in front on Noah.

"Alright, so your the father, right? " Dr. Willow said while looking up at Noah.

"Right, " Noah said with a smile an and intertwined our fingers together.

"Ok have you been eating well" Dr. Willow said while looking up at me with her clipboard in her hand.

"Yeah, but I've been really hungry lately, even more hungry than I was before pregnancy. " I said

"Well you are eating for two and it's could also for morning sickness. Wait, have you been getting morning sickness? " she asked while checking the clipboard.

"Yeah almost everyday" I said when sqeezing Noah hand.

"Ok you should start to eat more because in here when we weighed you, you are underweight, and that's not good for the baby, that could cause a miscarriage. " She said while looking at me.

"Alright, I think it's because I sometimes don't have time to eat because I have to get to work, but I will try to eat more. " I said while looking at Noah.

"Ok, then here in my papers looking at the last time you had your menstrual cycle, it looks like your ten weeks pregnant,"Dr.Willow said while looking at her clipboard.

" So are you guys ready to see your baby? " Dr. Willow said while putting her gloves on.

"Yeah, " Noah and I said in unison.

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