First Mission

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No one pov

Izuku woke up from his sleep and goes to get some Venison from the fridge

Izuku:Nothing is better than some Venison in the morning.

Alastor:Couldn't agree more.

Izuku turned and he saw Alastor in his room

Izuku:Alastor, my friend. What are you doing here?

Alastor:You see, my friend. I ran out of Venison in my room. Can I have some?

Izuku:Be my guest.

Alastor:Thank you.

Alastor goes and took the rest of the Venison

Alastor:What are you going to do today, my friend?

Izuku:Well, I'm going to my job and then I'll see what happened on Earth. Maybe I'll cause some entertainment.

Alastor:Well, what are you waiting for? I don't want to hold you.

Izuku:Thanks, My Friend.

And Izuku sink in shadow and is at the front door

Charlie:Are you going to IMP?


Charlie hugged tight Izuku

Izuku:Ah, Charlie?

Charlie:Be careful there.

Izuku:I will.*smile*

And Izuku leave

Charlie looked at Izuku leaving and blushed

Vaggie looked at the scene and blushed as well after seeing Izuku smile

With Izuku

He spread his wings and fly towards Imp City

After a few minutes of flying, Izuku arrived at the city where he enter inside Blitz building

There Izuku saw how Moxxie was holding a crossbow while shaking and the red light of Deranged Client was alerting

Millie:Moxxie, stop shaking. You're going to shoot our only Hell Hound.

Loona:Oh, I'm so loved.

Millie:Just take a deep breath and let it out.

Moxxie:But it's a family. Under what circumstances are we going to kill a human family?

Millie:I mean, if that's what the client want.

Moxxie:Maybe a Shitty Dad. Or a Mob Family. That's understandable. But to eradicate an innocent seemingly in this instance upper middle class family bloodline.

Loona looked at the photo and said

Loona:Hey! You don't know they're innocents. *point at the kid*This one probably set dogs on fire. *point at the girl*, maybe this one is off bullying Australian kids online and this guy* point at the husband*definitely watches.

Izuku:And the wife is recording.

Millie:Exactly. Humans are full of secrets nasties. It's why they end up here.

Millie:Guilty or innocent aren't our business Moxxie. Killing who we're paid to is our business.

Millie kiss him

Millie:Shoot the target.

Moxxie:But I think it's a bit excessive. We could be a bit more selective.

Then Blitz smacked the door open

Izuku Midoriya-The Green Demon Where stories live. Discover now