Loo Loo Land

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No one pov

Izuku woke up from his sleep and noticed a weight on him

He look at his bed and he saw Charlie and Vaggie on top of him, all 3 naked

Izuku:We really got to far last night.

Izuku got up gently to not wake up Charlie and Vaggie and got dressed

Charlie and Vaggie wake up and got up, but they felt because they can't feel their legs


Charlie:You did a number on us, Izuku.

Vaggie:We can't walk now.

Izuku:I'm sorry for that, My Beautifuls.

Izuku snapped his fingers and healed them

Izuku:There. Now try to stand up.

Charlie and Vaggie now can stand up

Izuku:Sorry, I wish we can have another round, but I have to go to work.

Izuku snapped his fingers and his suit appear

He sink in the shadow and disappear

Now he's at the exit and got ready to leave

Alastor:I see you marked you'r girlfriends.

Izuku:Did you spy on us?

Alastor:No, of course not, my friend. But the rooms aren't soundproof.


Izuku opened the door, spread his wings and fly to his Job

After a few minutes of flying, he arrived at I.M.P.

Izuku goes to the elevator and enter inside

After the elevator took him to the IMP office, he enter and he heard Blitz yell to Stolas at the phone

Then after he finished the call, he yell

Blitz:M n' M and you too Izuku get in here! We're goin' to Loo Loo Land!

Moxxie:Loo Loo Land?

Millie smashed her head through the office door glass

Millie:*excited*Loo Loo Land?!

Blitz:Loo Loo Land!

Loona:*angry*SHUT THE FUCK UP!

The crew goes to take Stolas and his daughter, Octavia

After a few minutes of driving, they arrived at Stolas place

Blitz:Get in the Van!

Stolas stood to the window and Octavia stood next to Izuku

Izuku:Greetings, my feather friend. I'm Izuku Midoriya.


Izuku:Not much talk I presume. I respect that.

After a few minutes of driving, they arrived at the Loo Loo Land

Stolas exit outside with a ridiculous apple hat, while Octavia groans and pull her hat over her face

Stolas goes like a child to the park

Izuku:*speak to Octavia*I'm starting to think it's the other way around. You're the adult and he's the kid.

Octavia:*laugh*Good one.

Izuku:Why thank you.

Moxxie and Millie goes to have fun

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