Hazbin Hotel

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Izuku pov

A week passed since I became half-demon thanks to Alastor

As long as I don't anger him, he's a nice guy

He also give me a special ability to know who's innocent and who's a sinner

No one pov

Izuku and Alastor are walking through Hell

Izuku make a name for himself as The New Overlord, The Green Demon

Many tried to mess with him, but they didn't see the light of the next day, also Izuku grow more powerful thanks to Alastor who give him also The Power to make Deals

Then Izuku and Alastor saw a crowd gather around a TV shop and they saw Charlie Morningstar who was presenting The Happy Hotel

Alastor:So, my friend what do you think about her idea?

Izuku:I say it's good to try to redeem a Demon. But even if it's possible, I don't think that anyone here would want that.

Alastor:You're correct, my friend. Now come. We'll pay a visit to her.


They walked through Hell until they arrived at the Happy Hotel

Meanwhile inside the hotel

Charlie hit her head to the door

Then someone knock at the door

Charlie was wondering who could be, but she answered her questions when she opened the door, revealing Alastor and Izuku stand in front of her

Charlie quickly change from curiosity to fear


Charlie quickly closed the door and then opened again


Charlie closed the door again



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Charlie:The Radio Demon and The Green Demon are at the door.



Charlie:What should I do?

Vaggie:Don't let them in.

However, Charlie still opened the door

Alastor:May I speak now?

Charlie:You may.

Alastor took Charlie hand and welcoming himself in

Alastor:Alastor, pleasure to meeting you, Sweetheart. Quite the pleasure. Excuse my sudden visit, but we saw you'r Fiasco on the picture show and I couldn't help. What a performance. I haven't been seen that entertaining since the crash at stockpile in 1929. Hahahah. So many orphans.

Izuku Midoriya-The Green Demon Where stories live. Discover now