Seeing Stars

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No one pov

A month passed since The Extermination Day happened

Alastor repaired his cane with Izuku help


Alastor called Izuku to his room

Alastor:Izuku! My dear friend!

Alastor exclaimed, his voice fluid like a smooth radio broadcast

Alastor:I find myself in a bit of a predicament! My microphone cane suffered significant... damage during the Extermination Day thanks to that rogue Adam. I was wondering if I could borrow your cane?

Izuku raised an eyebrow, eyeing Alastor's gleeful demeanor with caution

Izuku:Are you sure it's safe?

Alastor:Oh, come now! I promise to treat it with the utmost care!

Alastor chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Reluctantly, Izuku handed over his prized cane, a symbol of his dominion as the Green Demon

He felt a twinge of unease but brushed it aside

Alastor took it, examining it with an exaggerated flair before setting to work on his own broken cane

As Alastor began tinkering, the atmosphere shifted

Izuku suddenly felt a strange sensation coursing through his body-like lightning snapping at his nerves

The pain was sharp and overwhelming, radiating from his core and spreading through his limbs

Izuku:Alastor! What's happening?

Izuku gasped, clutching his sides as he struggled to maintain his composure

Alastor:Oh dear, it seems there's a bit of interference!

Alastor tone shifting from playful to concerned

Alastor:Your cane must be linked to your essence more than I realized. When I attempted to harness it's energy, it reacted with yours!

The realization hit Izuku hard

His cane was not just a weapon; it was an extension of his very being

As Alastor continued to adjust his machinery, Izuku's pain intensified, manifesting as fiery bolts racing down his spine

He grit his teeth, fighting through the agony, determined not to show weakness

Izuku:Alastor! Stop! You have to un-link it or something!

Izuku shouted, his voice strained

Alastor:Right, right! Just give me a moment!

Alastor's fingers flew over the mechanisms, frantic now that the gravity of the situation dawned on him

With each passing second, Izuku felt his strength waning, the bond between him and his cane twisting painfully

Suddenly, a surge of energy burst from his cane, illuminating the room in a blinding green light

Alastor yelped as the magic swirled around him, causing his own cane to tremble and crackle with energy

Finally, with a flash of brilliance, Alastor recalibrated the connection

Alastor:Hold on, Izuku! I'm breaking the link!

With one final twist, a shockwave of power erupted, sending both Overlords staggering back

The connection severed, and Izuku collapsed to the floor, panting heavily

Alastor:Are you okay?

Alastor rushed to his side, concern etched on his face

Izuku Midoriya-The Green Demon Where stories live. Discover now