Girls' Day

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A/N: So I've been a bit busy. On Thursday, I went to an awards ceremony, and on Friday I had plans with friends. So I've been kinda all over the place, but I'm so happy and grateful that I have some readers. This chapter is going to be a few weeks after Caitlyn is adopted, she and Eddie have a girls' day. Hope you enjoy. No silent readers, please, I would love to know what y'all think!! And as always...

Happy Reading!!!


It had been a couple of weeks since I had been adopted, now.

It was a beautiful Saturday morning, and I woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside my window. I felt a sense of excitement as I remembered what today was - a girls' day with Eddie. We had planned to spend the day together while Danny and Jamie went out for a guys' day of fishing.

I got out of bed and got dressed quickly, eager to start the day. As I walked out of my room, I immediately smelled bacon and pancakes and walked downstairs.

I saw Eddie in the kitchen, she smiled when she saw me. "Good morning, Caitlyn," she said. "Are you ready for our day?"

"I'm so ready," I said, grinning back at her.

Jamie and Uncle Danny walked into the kitchen, both dressed in their fishing gear, and i could see excitement in their eyes.

"Morning, girls," Jamie said, turning to greet us. "You two have fun today?"

"We sure will," Eddie said, giving him a kiss. "What about you guys? Catch any big ones?"

"We'll find out soon enough," Jamie said, smiling.

After breakfast, the guys headed out to the lake. Eddie and I left soon afterward.

Our first stop was a pottery studio, where we spent the morning making ceramic bowls. The studio was bright and inviting, with shelves full of colorful bowls, plates, and mugs. Eddie and I spent hours working on our bowls, laughing and chatting as we molded the clay into shape.

After the pottery studio, we headed to a nearby park for a picnic lunch. Eddie had packed a delicious spread of sandwiches, fruit, and chips. We sat on a blanket in the shade of a tree, enjoying the warm sun and the sound of children playing nearby.

As we ate, Eddie and I talked about everything and anything. We chatted about school, our families, and our dreams for the future. Eddie was always so easy to talk to, and I felt like I could tell her anything.

After lunch, we headed to a local museum. The museum was filled with fascinating exhibits on history, science, and art. Eddie and I spent hours wandering through the galleries, marveling at the ancient artifacts and the beautiful paintings.

As the day drew to a close, we headed back to the house. I felt exhausted but happy, my heart full of gratitude for the wonderful day I had spent with Eddie.

A/N: I think since Mother's Day is soon, the next part I do will be a Mother's Day one, let me know if you love or hate the idea. I hope you liked this chapter. No silent readers, please!!

Happy reading!!!

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