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"Good morning sir

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"Good morning sir." the receptionist greets, beaming at me and I didn't even bother to respond.

I hate fake people. People who wake up every morning with a fake smiles and overall fake personality, it pissed me off so much. They just choose to show the mask they want the world to see, deceiving and luring their way in people's lives. Maybe that's why not many people like me, because unlike everyone else, I had as much interest in ass-kissing and small talk as I did as tissue disintegrated faster in a washing machine.

"...not looking very good." Gio concludes and I realize I haven't even been listening.

"Come again?"

We step into the elevator, filling up the small space and Gio clears his throat, throwing me a glare.

"As I was saying for the third time," he starts wryly. "Àndez luxury company took a huge blow yesterday, it'd take a while for them to get back to how they were and from the look of things, I doubt it ever will."

The elevator dings and I walk to my office, with Gio right behind me.

"But they're fixing it right?"

"They're trying their best," he murmurs, eyeing his phone. "At least I think they are because I'm not seeing any improvement."

What the fuck is she doing?

This silent competition wouldn't be fun if she backed out now.

I remembered all our interactions in vivid detail, whether I wanted to or not. She’d touched down in my life like a tornado, trying to force me out of my comfort zone and hadn’t left my thoughts since.

It was aggravating and I hate every single second of it.

Opening the door and taking long strides to my desk, Gio continues to gives me updates about work but my mind still lingered on Àndez company. My thoughts drift to when I saw her at the bar, no wonder she looked sad.

Reluctant amusement drifted through me at the memory of Isabella’s horrified expression when she saw me at the bar when it was clearly not her day.

"Are you okay?" Gio asks and my eyes snap up to his.

"What why?"

"You're almost smiling," he shrugs when my eyes narrows at him. "It's strange."

"Now what does tha—"

My words were cute off with a shrill ring ripped through the air. Gio raised his phone and when I see the name a wicked smile made it way to my face.

"Well hello there," My tone was nowhere friendly and I hear the sharp intake of breath from the phone. "Nice to have you call Timothy."

"Valerio," he calls out with a shaky voice and I fake a sigh. "Please don't do this."

"Do what?" I ask in mock curiosity.

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