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I bolt upright at the sudden noise.

With my eyes unconsciously darting round the room for the sudden noise, I was off the bed in an instant. My brain taking a few seconds to catch up to the fact that I was in my room, safe and alone.

I blink twice when everywhere I look at was blurry, suddenly realizing I wasn't wearing my contacts.

Opening my drawer, I rummage through its contents, making me grimace when the case of my spare glasses comes into view. The thick lenses and large, pink frames stare back at me and I contemplate whether I should rely on my blurriness or I should just opt in for my ugly looking spare glasses.

After sliding the glasses back on, I sigh in relief when my vision returned to me, completely ignoring how the thick frame looks like on me.

The low rumble of laughter caught up to me and I frown when the high-pitched scream followed.

Okay what the fuck?

Fixing my hair and throwing on the first top I could find, which was a jersey that stops only few inches above my mid-thigh, revealing a small amount of my shorts while I throw a glare at my closed door.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" Valerio's deep voice sounds muffled through my closed door and I groan when I finally see the time.

7:32am? Why wake me up this early on Sunday morning for fucks sake? Given the fact that I worked throughout the last day, fixing business problems and planning a wedding that was in less than a week, I am beyond tired for this bullshit.

"Fucking Valerio," I grumble, slipping my fluffy bunny slippers on before rushing out the door. "One day, just one fucking day to rest and just chill and you wake me up for what?"

Following the sound of what sounds like two men yelling at themselves, I stop in front of a closed door.

Valerio has made it clear, made the rule perfectly clear not to go into any rooms that doesn't concern me when he once caught me snooping around.

All the precautions that normally flows through my mind suddenly went over my head, because I was already opening the door in anger.

"Valerio, I swear to God. Can you—"

The words dies in my throat as I take in the scene in front of me.

Fucking hell.

Valerio, who I've always seen fully clad in suits or just office pants and designer shirts was wearing a backwards ball cap with black compression top that fits his body like a second layer of skin and grey sweatpants which was hanging really, really low on his waist, has his hand handing midair about to put cookies in his mouth.

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