Chapter 1

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"Y/N, the storm is coming. You'd better go back to your shelter," Matvey tells you. "Yeah maybe you're right, I can't afford another night in soaked clothes. I'll see you tomorrow. And bring some extra apples, alright?" you say goodbye to your friend and head for the shelter.

On your way back you pass through several neighbourhoods, you have now lived in this world for 8 years since you left the orphanage at the age of 15. You have had to learn to survive quickly and earn food and money in dangerous ways.

A huge rat crosses the street and stomps on your feet. "Ew!" as you look at it you notice people talking to a guy down the street. You recognise those people immediately, the Konni Group with their uniforms while threatening an arms dealer.

You zip up the hood of your sweatshirt and try not to be seen as you leave. It's better not to get mixed up in these situations. You turn the corner and bump into someone "Hey!" your hood goes down and when you look at the person you bumped into your body paralyses and your eyes immediately drop.

You are facing the most feared man in Moscow, Vladimir Makarov leader of the Konni Group and Commander of the Inner Circle. You immediately raise your hood "I'm sorry..." and run away hoping nothing will happen to you.

Makarov watches you as you disappear into the darkness. A smirk appears on his face as he reaches his soldiers.

As you run off you hear a gunshot in the distance "Shit! I was lucky... that poor guy must have come to a bad end for sure..." as you make your way towards the shelter you are reminded of his eyes. Heterochromatic one blue and one green cold and disturbing.

You climb the stairs of an abandoned and destroyed building. You move a curtain and enter your small shelter. It is not much but at least you have managed to set it up with curtains, carpets and a small bed with a not very clean mattress. You have a mini stove with a flame that comes out to warm your food and extra blankets that you use when it gets too cold.

Outside it starts to rain and you put some buckets in places where you know water will come in. "Maybe I'd better change clothes, these smell now" as you undress you look at yourself in the broken mirror you have leaning against the wall.

You are thin, too thin for your age and your body covered in bruises. "That bastard went down hard this time..." you say as you touch a bruise on your stomach. Unfortunately, you are used to having to deal with boys or men more dangerous and stronger than you. Most of the time you are attacked for your beauty and you defend yourself tooth and nail but these bruises were left by Ivan the man who commissions some petty thefts from you.

Last time you wanted to keep something for yourself but he found out. You sigh as you finish dressing.

The storm outside is getting worse and water is already starting to drip from the ceiling. "Shit, this night is going to be hard..." you say as you turn on a small light at the side of the bed and start to read.

After an hour you hear a strange noise. "I hope the storm didn't break something, where will I find another shelter?" you get up and go to the window and notice that the door to the building is open. You always close it to avoid anyone knowing that you are in the building.

"That's not possible, Ivan can't have found out where I am..." panic assails you and you immediately go to see if there is anyone in the corridor and down the flight of stairs but when you come out you see no one. It's dark but you see no strange movements.

"Better get back in the room" as you enter you feel a hand grab your shoulder and push you in causing you to fall to the floor. When you turn around you see three men dressed in black with military jackets and one of them is Vladimir Makarov. You stand motionless with fear.

The Life I Had To Choose (Vladimir Makarov x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now