Chapter 2

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The dark side of the luxury life Makarov is making you live showed itself immediately. Every day you woke up in a warm room with a comfortable bed under your body, food of all kinds and slowly you gained weight again. Every day you have to learn to behave like the perfect woman standing by the side of a dangerous leader.

And Makarov... a man with an unpredictable mood, always stressed and tired from the kind of work he does. Sometimes you feel sorry for him but when you look at your body you realise that he is a cruel artist who has turned you into his painting. A painting full of dark, purple and yellow colours.

When he is in a bad mood his creative side explodes and all you can do is witness his cruelty and grit your teeth because anything you do would make the situation worse.

Despite the weeks he has always remained cold to you, his future wife. Perhaps you too in this utopian idea of husband and wife hoped that a minimum of affection would be shown to you. But instead he only thinks about his mission and the goals he has in mind and how to use your knowledge against his enemies.

Like every night you are keeping him company while you pour him some Vodka. They are all silent evenings where he smokes, drinks and looks at a spot in the distance of the city lost in thought. Many times you try to start a conversation but you quickly realise when he wants you to shut up.

"Vladimir, can I ask you..." he raises his hand "This is not the time Y/N."

Many times you notice his glances, at first they were fleeting but now they are insistent. Even now you can see from the reflection in the window that his eyes are on you. You lower your gaze and remain silent.


Makarov returns home after a long mission, when he enters he slams the door and without saying a word runs to the bathroom. As soon as he comes out he is covered only by a dressing gown, you immediately turns your eyes away in embarrassment.

"Prepare me the usual" he orders and sits down on the couch putting his hand on his forehead and lights a cigarette.

You bring him the glass and take one for yourself. Strangely he thanks you but doesn't look at you.

A thunder distracts you and you walk towards the window. It is raining outside and from up here the city looks dull and grey. You think back to how you were on these nights in your shelter, cold and if your clothes were wet you had to stay naked so you wouldn't get sick again.

Your thoughts are interrupted when Makarov's hand rests on the window a few centimetres from your face. His chest leans against your back and pushes you a little closer to the window. His breath is hot and reeks of smoke and whiskey, you try to look into his eyes from the reflection but quickly lower your gaze when his heterochromatic eyes look at you coldly and with something you can't decipher.

"Y/N, you have made great progress these past few weeks. I might even say you've reached my expectations." He moves your hair and a small soft pressure rests on your neck. You look up and see Makarov kissing your neck.

With one hand he caresses your side and slips his fingers under your shirt. You freeze.

"Vladimir?" you say in a trembling voice. "Shh... from tomorrow I can finally show you off."

You knew it would happen sooner or later, but despite everything you're scared. A fear that you have kept at bay until now, something that you cannot control and that you have never experienced.

"From tomorrow you will be my wife and you will play your part as agreed, right?" you hesitate to answer and he grabs your hip forcefully "Right?!"

"Yes, yes..." you reply with a gasp of pain.

"You still have one thing left to do... learn to please me." he starts kissing your neck again while his hand goes up to your breast.

"When was the last time you were with a man?" with embarrassment you answer "Never..." he stops.

"Are you virgin?" he looks at you in disbelief. "Yes... is it that strange?"

"I didn't mean to offend you, my dear but... those who lead a life like yours usually end up working as a prostitute to survive"

"I've always been..." you trail off because he has already started pulling down your dress and taking off your underwear. "...I tried to survive without using my body." he murmurs but he isn't listening to you anymore and presses you against the window.

You hear the sound of a zipper coming down and his pants falling to the floor. Like a little girl you always dreamed that your first time would be with someone you love, kind and...

Your thoughts stop and from the reflection of the glass you see him grabbing your hips to position you better on the window by bending over and lifting your hips.

...and with at least a minimum of respect. His tip starts to spread your soft limbs, you feel like he's scratching inside you.

"It hurts..."

"I know, but it will end soon. It's normal..."

You want to tell him to stop but you don't have the courage. With the final thrusts he buries himself inside of you.

You feel as if something hard and rough has entered you. Makarov closes his eyes and tilts his head back, savoring the moment. "So fucking tight..." you feel him pull out and thrust into you again and again. The pain eases when he touches your clit in circular motions. All these new sensations make you orgasm while he joins you right after.

As soon as he releases your hips you fall to the ground. His cock is covered in a thin layer of blood. He notices and makes you stand up and a few drops of blood drip between your legs. "Let's go get cleaned up, what do you say?" he says it in such seductive tone that you forget that the man in front of you just took your innocence away without a single second thought.

You get into the tub and he makes you sit between his legs and hold you on his chest. You no longer recognize him and like a punch in the face you starts crying, thinking back to what just happened. "Shh..." he caresses your hair "Don't be afraid, I know I'm not the man you wanted for your first time but soon you will understand that everything I'm offering you goes far beyond the life you imagined when you were starving. You will try the best out of all this and you will be happy" his words scare you but when he kisses you, you close your eyes and lose yourself in his lips. His short beard tickles you and you let yourself be lulled by his kiss.

In the following days you wear the ring that sealed your bond and your agreement. You accompany him on every business trip, you act like the perfect always smiling and beautiful wife. And when your time comes you help him against his enemies, living 8 years on the street you learned a lot about people and criminals and this helps your husband in his business. The intimacy you share with him has become a pleasant routine and a new feeling is growing inside you.

Because in the end you are falling in love with him and as he predicted you are looking for the best of all this.


And with this chapter the prologue is over❗️

All feedback is greatly appreciated, I'd love to hear from you all 😉

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