In heat pt3 (last pt)

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Enid smiled warmly and watched with awe when she lifted Wednesday's shirt, exposing the body underneath. She kept an eye on her roommate who had her gaze locked on Enid's hands, while she herself made sure Wednesday showed no sign of doubt.

She noticed the anxiety in her friend, the trembling of her body with every inch of skin being exposed, but there was no doubt.

Eventually, after it had been fully removed, she dropped it on the floor, right next to her bed.

"You are beautiful," she whispered and leaned over her roommate once she pulled her down by the hips, making her lay down on her back. Don't get me started on your scent, it's simply delicious." She growled softly and wanted to lean in further to kiss Wednesday's neck.

She was, however, stopped by two hands against her shoulders. She immediately pulled back to look at the Seer. "Something wrong? Did you change your mind? Do you want me to stop?" She asked, she could've sworn there had been no doubt a few moments earlier, but she could always have been wrong.

Wednesday shook her head, unsure of how to put her thoughts into words while she looked up at the werewolf.

"It's alright, you can tell me," she smiled warmly and took both of her hands in her own while rubbing the back with both her thumbs. "Anything, I promise."

Wednesday took a shuddering breath and just looked up at Enid a few more seconds longer before she finally found her voice. "Could you, perhaps, remove your shirt?" She asked unsure but hopeful.

Enid let out a soft chuckle and nodded. "Of course," she let Wednesday go and lifted her own shirt up and over her head, tossing it next to Wednesday's on the floor.

The Seer pushed herself up slightly, using her free hand to reach out to Enid's chest. The tips of her fingers brushing over the pink scars that decorated her roomie's body. She felt her heart clench at the thought of how much this must've hurt but Enid snapped her out of her state before the guilt could consume her.

"I wear them proudly," she stated and put a hand over Wednesday's. "I would do it all over again, knowing where I'd end up."

She swallowed thickly, pushing back the tears in her eyes. "And where would that be?"

Enid leaned in and closed the gap when she pressed her lips against Wednesday's. Using the momentum to return Wednesday back to her former position, flat on her back.

The kiss was slow and chaste, eyes closed while they enjoyed the intimate moment between them both. It was after a few seconds when Enid pulled back enough to look into her Roomie's eyes, finally giving her her answer.

"Right here with you," she let her lips travel to her jaw and the sensitive area just under her ear before she whispered. "Now let me make you feel as good as you made me feel." There was no protest coming from the Seer, instead Enid earned herself a soft whimper that she took as a good sign.

Wednesday had no idea what to do with herself. Never in her life had she felt so exposed and vulnerable as she did now. And never had she felt safer than with the person she was sharing this moment with.

Her heart was pounding and her center was throbbing, she was wondering what exactly Enid would do. She had no time to ponder about it when the answer came in Enid grinding down against her core.

She couldn't stop the moan that passed her lips and seemed to fill the entire room, or the second when the werewolf did it again and again. The fact that her roomie was panting against her neck and close to her ear wasn't helping either.

"I love that voice of yours," Enid's words were softly spoken and sharp teeth grazed over her neck. "You must be so touch starved." She growled and it only turned on Wednesday even more.

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