Woe what a night (but how it should have gone)

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The dreadful pop music could be heard through the walls of the dorm as Wednesday hurriedly prepared for her stake out with Eugene. She dug through the draws of her desk, making sure to be as prepared as possible in case of an encounter with the beast. Suddenly, she heard a few knocks at the door.

"I'm coming Eugene!" she said, finishing up her assemblage. With that she shut the drawer to the dresser and swiftly walked towards the door. "Hey, did you happen to grab any extra batteries for the flash-" Her nonchalant tone came to a halt as she swung the door open. "Tyler." She said, staring blankly at the man in front of her. Awkwardly, Tyler lifts his hand to show a small slip of paper within.

"I got your invite." he stammers. "Guessing you had Thing drop it in the tip jar?" Wednesday's expression changed from confused to irritated though no one but her could tell the difference.

"Good guess." She says through gritted teeth. She had to admit the boy cleaned up nicely, though she was not particularly in the mood to see him at the moment. She never liked it, in fact she hated it, when her plans were disrupted suddenly. Once again, Tyler's voice cuts through the silence sharply.

"Yeah, after our last conversation, I wasn't sure if I'd ever get to speak to you again, but..." He smiles, his eyes meeting the floorboards beneath the two. "Well, your note was so genuine and... sweet. Totally took me by surprise" Wednesday used all of the strength in her body not to gag or gouge his eyes out for even suggesting such a lowly thing of her. She had already connected the dots that Thing was behind this but 'sweet'? That is one of the most insulting things she has ever been called.

"Me too." She deadpans. Tyler gives her another unceremonious look before speaking once more.

"Well, now that I'm here, I'm glad I came." He smiles. Wednesday shifts her balance from foot to foot uncomfortably as she looks for any way to escape the uncomfortable situation she had found herself in. "You need a few minutes?" Tyler asks, only to have the door be slammed in his face. Wednesday storms over to Thing, seething.

"Genuine and sweet? How could you do this to me?" She snarls, rushing to her closet to find something more presentable to wear. She sighs in frustration as she flicks through her clothing, landing on the dress that Enid described as 'a fashion disaster not even lightning could resuscitate'.

She stops and glares when she hears Thing snap to get her attention. He balances playfully on Wednesday's bed frame, pointing down at the elegant gown laid down on the twin sized mattress. She wanders towards it in disbelief, analyzing every ripple and sheen. "How'd you pay for it?" Wednesday asks, a hint of a smile daring itself to ghost on her face while she picks up the dress.

Thing simply holds up all five of his fingers in response. "Five-finger discount, of course." She says giving him a playful look. Turning around to face he closet once more, she speaks, "Thing, don't look." causing the appendage to face away from the girl, flinging his fingers as though he was a child on a swing.


Tyler stared at the photograph in the case of awards, his trance only broken when seeing the beautiful girl make her way down the steps behind him in the reflection. He watches her mess with her dress as she makes a feeble attempt to get comfortable in it.

"Wow, you look..." Tyler begins

"Unrecognizable? Ridiculous? A classic example of female objectification for the male gaze?" Wednesday includes, causing Tyler to shift uncomfortably.

"Amazing." he finally lands on. "I mean it, Wednesday. You look beautiful." Her glares stab daggers through the well dressed man. She would so much rather be monster hunting with Eugene right now than be stuck attending this teenage nightmare of a dance. Speak of the devil, Eugene walks up to the two teenagers.

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