Black Dahlia

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"Let me out!" She could feel the flames as they licked at her skin. Wednesday didnt fear death, death feared her. "L-Let m-me out!" She coughed, blood soaking her hand, running down her chin.

"Goodbye, Addams." Marilyn Thornhill crackles, standing up from the ground. She smiled sweetly, just as she had done when she first met her in the dorm. "I'll be sure to leave black dahlias on your grave, I know they are your favorite."

Wednesdays eyes glazed over, as she laid against the stone wall. Her hand on her abdomen, she could see the darkness coming for her as the flames burned brightly.

"This is it, huh?" She coughed again, weezing. Her lungs hurt from breathing in the dark smoke. At least I'll have an imaginative death. She could feel her organs shutting down one by one, as her mouth and lungs filled it with the red substance. She closed her eyes, they stung so bad. "I'll just rest for now." She said allowed to nobody. Her heart rate slowing down, till-Her head lolled to the side .

"Wednesday!" Enid screamed-

"Will you be quiet? Cant you see Im right here?"

"Oh." She saw her picture on a stand. Many of the students and her family gathered on the burned lawn of Nevermore.

On top of the coffin, lays a single black dahlia.

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