Wednesday stifled a yawn as she made her way back to her room. Her eyes were burning from lack of sleep. As much as she hated to admit it, she had been having trouble sleeping after the whole ordeal with Tyler being the Hyde, trying to kill her, almost dying after getting stabbed, that whole lot.
Getting stabbed definitely wasn't as fun as stabbing someone else, she thought as she climbed up the last few steps leading to her door. It was close to midnight. She bet Thing was worried sick about her absence and she rolled her eyes slightly at the thought.
As she approached her door and went to go grab the handle, she paused. She narrowed her eyes slightly, tilting her one ear towards the door. It was barely audible through the old, wooden door, but she heard something that sounded like...moaning?
It was low and faint, so faint that she couldn't figure out if it was just her imagination or not. Maybe Enid was in there with Ajax? That wouldn't make sense though; they broke up shortly after the incidence, Enid claiming that he was more deadweight than she could deal with after the fight and her first time "wolfing out."
Still, maybe she called him over to help her relax? Maybe she was scared and needed someone there for her? Wednesday felt a pang in the pit of her stomach, one that she couldn't entirely place, at the thought of Enid crying and shaking in the corner of the room alone. That thought had Wednesday pushing the door open at a slightly frantic pace.
The first thing she noticed was that there wasn't any blood in the room, which both relieved and disappointed her.The second thing she noticed was Enid laying on her back on her bed, legs spread, and fingers pushed deeply into her dripping center.
It took a split second for Enid to realize Wednesday was there, standing still with wide eyes. The blonde yelped and almost fell off her bed in an attempt to cover herself.
"Wednesday! Doesn't anyone ever knock these days?"
"This is my room. Why would I need to knock?"
"Just - pretend you never saw anything!" Enid whimpered. She buried her face in her now covered knees that were pulled up to her chest. Wednesday caught a glimpse of how her fingers, once buried deep inside her, glistened in the faint light coming from the window and the hallway.
"I can leave and let you finish," Wednesday said. She had taken her hand off of the doorknob and taken a few steps closer to Enid without realizing. The werewolf didn't seem to realize either; her face was still hidden from Wednesday's view.
"No, no. I definitely couldn't do... that after this happened," Enid groaned. Wednesday couldn't tell if the strain in the girl's voice was from embarrassment or lingering arousal. Maybe both. Wednesday stared at her roommate for a second before she heard the faint moans that had prompted her to barge into the room (her room) originally.
She cocked her head to the side as she watched Enid ruffle through the wrinkled covers shielding her lower half from the world.
"Are you watching a video?""Nope!" Enid squeaked, her ears and cheeks bright red. "Nope, nothing at all. Just...have to find my... stupid phone." In her haste, she managed to not only find her phone, but fling it to the ground, where it landed face up near Wednesday's feet.
The dark haired girl bent to grab the phone and Enid made a sound that was an odd mixture of a gasp and a squeak. Wednesday's eyes widened as she looked at the screen. Playing on Enid's phone was a video of two very naked, very hairless, and very vocal women engaged in "69ing," according to the title of the video.
"Are you watching porn?" Wednesday asked, bringing her attention away from the video and to her roommate.
"Obviously, Wednesday!" Enid cried, hiding her face in her hands again. "Now can we please just drop it?!" The blonde looked on the verge of tears. Wednesday felt that pang again and wordlessly handed Enid back her phone, which she quickly locked. Silence filled the room. Wednesday stood close to Enid's bed while the blonde looked anywhere else.

Wenclair Oneshots
FanfictionThis contains Smut, Angst and Fluff, if you are not comfortable with any of these please do not read.