New Beginnings

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It was pouring rain and the dark sky matched the a pilar of smoke shrinking in the distance. A squirrel jumped down a tree and began to chew on a nut. But a blue blur blew past it making the squirrel jump back. The blur ran through the forest like an artist making a streak across his canvas. But it began to slowly loose momentum as the trails behind it shrank. The blur was a short child, who is 7 1/2 in some grey beat up running shoes that had various burn marks. He had blue hair and gentle features his black eyes focused yet tired. On his back was a a kid with black hair and red marks scattered on his body. The blue kid was being helped by a smaller boy. He had cyan marks on his hands and white hair. He was encased in a faint cyan glow and was about to be 7. The glow started to fade and flicker as the blue one grew off balance, his previous support fading with the child's consciousness.

"C'mon Silver! Just... a little more!" Silver remainded unresponsive as the glow completely faded. The boy began to feel the full wait on him. His footstep slowing and slowing until the boy is no longer running but trudging in the cold mud, the rain berating his back. He could barely see the faint lights of civilization. Maybe a city or a lone cabin. He didn't care but it was far. So as the boy began to steel himself for the journey he failed to recognize the overgrown root infront of him. He tripped the mud loosing his foot. He began to barrel down hill before falling. It was brief but he felt the wind knocked out of him as he fell on his back. There were two other thuds. The boy began to look around laid on the dirt. He looked around to see utter darkness with just the faintest amount of moonlight peering through whatever hole he fell through. He began to lift himself up.

"I...have to get up...we're so clo..." His arms gave out feeling worn, his face planting into the dirt below. And with this exhaustion takes him.

Sonic, Wake up.

Wake up

Wake up!

He was drowsy but the pokes to his back were getting annoying. 'What is silver even doing in my room?' He thought about last night and shot up.

"Silver!?!" He starred in awe to see his brothers wrapping him in a hug. He quickly pulled away.

"Where's Shadow?" They disengage the hug as Silver point to a small opening across this little dirt cavern they were in.

"He should be right outside." They walk out to see Shadow looking around curiously. Before Sonic could even speak Shadow beat him to it.

"We're we followed?" Sonic sighed bringing his hand to the back of his head.

"Have a little faith! They can't keep up with me!" Shadow gave him a look over his shoulder. His 'get serious' look. Sonic thought it was annoying at times. At times hilarious.

"No. I was running at my top for a while and you got us pretty far before you took your beauty sleep " Shadow sighs as he stand up leaning against a tree.

"So what do we do now?" Sonic looked to the sky. It was beautiful and free. He looked past all the trees and saw a city. It looked far away but he could cover the distant. But Silver had a point what do they do know? They escaped but didn't really have a plan for after. Sonic looked at his current attire and realized he's currently basically naked with a thin hospital gown and beat up sneakers being his only attire. The least he could have is pants.

"Let's go into the city and get some new threads!" Silver and Shadow looked at him like an insane person.

"Are you serious? We don't know who they know or if some of them could be stationed in there. It was hard enough to escape but escaping from that city could be even worse!"

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