Two Tails Are Better Than One

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(4 years later)

Sonic woke up and jumped out of his Bean bag. He stretched and went into the fridge they found. He fished out a bottle of Gatorade. Finished it and got onto a treadmill which was attach to their generator. They made it to convert speed into energy. Exercise for him and energy for his brother. A win-win. He finished he little session and went outside as he chose a new song on his iPod.

He tightened his shoes before running into the city. He whipped past cars and people. Most people don't even notice him because he on rooftops or mistaken for a strong breeze. They kept their mask on when they went out unless they were at work or just walking around town. They ventured out more exploring different towns and city's. But that wasn't of importance to Sonic he arrived at the junk yard they had gotten most of the possessions from. He came to a stop to in front of their latest scavenge.

It was an old plane that his brothers had no interest in

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It was an old plane that his brothers had no interest in. But Sonic's hard solid argument (and pestering them days on end) made them reconsider. They helped him get it into semi working condition. Silver said that it would probably fly if it got started but not to try. So sonic ignoring that was going to try and take it to the sky.

"You gotta run before you can walk! Or something like that..." He jumped inside the first cockpit and got under the dashboard. 

"Silver said red and blue, cross over with green and black, white and black, and..." the engine stuttered to life as the propeller whirled.

"Ok we're getting somewhere. So how do I?..." he flipped some buttons until the plane trekked forward. He drove towards the entrance. He pulled up and he was off. He soared through the skies. The city got smaller below him as he stroked the clouds and breathed in the fresh air. He continued to enjoy his flight until he's heard a beeping noise. He looked down to see the gas meter staggeringly low.

"Ok just gonna take her down nice and slow." He peered over the side to see another junk yard but this one wasn't in his city.

"Better than a blazing finale."

A boy laid on the ground with small patches of dirt and scrapes on his arm. He looked at something that used to mean something to him, nothing more that scraps in the dirt. This boy's name was Kota Miles Izumi and he had gotten his quirk a little more than a year ago.

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