Stick and Stones

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Sonic woke up groggily. He got up and stretched a little. He went to the refrigerator and opened it to see a girl inside with slice of bread in her mouth.

"Hey Sticks. Could you pass me a water?" She handed him one as he closed it.

"Thanks." He took a sip of his water and stood there for a moment.

"Wait..." He opened the fridge again to see he stuffing her face with another slice of bread.

"Sticks, what are you doing in my fridge." She sealed the four slices of bread in her mouth before responding.

"Getting food for hibernation."

"Sticks, it's May."

"Yeah so? The government is changing the weather. It got really hot the other day. You're the only reliable food source I have any more!"

"I could fight you on this but it's too early for this. Want to watch Kamen Rider?" She nodded as they two plopped down on his bean bag and turned on the tv. (Yeah this is a chapter I should have done earlier but it's whatever)

—2 years ago—

The three brothers walked through the woods enjoying the scenery. They had been doing small time hero stuff for a while now. They had also been dealing with a lot of robots. Like seriously it was almost a bi monthly thing. There would be some robots attack some place then Sonic or his brothers would show up stop them, rinse, wash repeat. It was fun. Today they were taking a break. Sonic convinced his brother to go exploring. They walked past some trees unaware they were being watched.

"Sonic I'm all for a scenic walk but don't you think we should be finalizing our home."

"C'mon Silver. We been doing a lot of work and no play. We deserve a break. Besides this is place..." He jumped against a tree landing on the branch of another.

" really nice!" Sonic noticed something out the corner of his eye. It was a shadow and it was moving fast.

"Hey guys look!" They looks towards where he's pointing and see the shadow move.

"What is that?"

"I don't know but I'm gonna catch it!"

"Wait! Sonic!" It was too late Sonic jumped from tree to tree already far out of earshot. Silver sighed as he looked at Shadow. He looked back and the two smiled.

"Last one to catch him is a rotten egg." They zoomed off smiling and laughing. Sonic was closing in on the shadow. It was so agile and it never missed a beat. It swung from branches and vines with ease. Sonic was actually having some trouble keeping up with it. The shadow stopped and landed next to a tree. It must have been tired. Sonic landed next to it to see it wasn't some animal.

"Wait, who are-"He took a step when he was something suddenly snapped around his ankle.

"What the-"he was suddenly yanked into the leaves above. The shadow swiftly hid as Silver and Shadow came close.

SI"I could have sworn he were just here. Where could he have gone?" Silver heard a twig snap behind a tree. Silver smiled mischievously as he floated over to it

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