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(Before I hear the complaints, Sonic IS slower than Shadow. Without his signature shoes Sonic can't keep up with shadow unless he was to break his feet on the ground)

Water hazard was trapped. He had been getting civilians from a small home when the roof cave in. He expanded all the water he had into a small dome protecting the family and himself from being crushed. But the heat was getting to him. If he wasn't in the right mental state or disoriented his water constructs would reflect that. The family he was protecting were all cowering behind him. He thinks they have a little girl that was looking at him but it was hard to tell, they were invisible.

"It's ok! Heroes are gonna be here to get us out anytime!" It was a bold faced lie. There was a loud crash as Water Hazard grunted. The weight was becoming unbearable. The girl dug her face into her fathers shirt. 'C'mon! Anyone! I'll even take Endeavor!' He suddenly felt as all the weight dissipated. He cautiously took down his water sphere as a smile creeped onto his face.

"You guys came in the nic of time! Help me get these people out!" The girl felt as she was lifted in the air. She looked around and noticed how she had a cyan outline around her body. It gave her a glossy definition the glistened in the fire. She looked up to see a hero in a cloak with white hair.

"Don't worry! We are here!" The girl looked up to see the White Comet holding up her family and rubble. His partner landed next to Water Hazard. She whipped her hands around as the fire flared before funneling into her hands. The flames died out before a small spark happened. The vigilante kept their hands up so the fire stayed out.

"Comet! Extraction!" Water hazard was lifted in the aura as the blew out the building. As they flew away from the scene Water hazard looked back to see the house collapsed. Soon they arrived outside the city in some nearby wilderness. They landed as Water Hazard looked at their surroundings. There were tents, heroes, and civilians everywhere. They were people on stretches with small burns. Others well... some couldn't get away fast enough. The burns cover almost half their body's.

"I got more civilians!" Some heroes turned toward him as they checked out the invisible family. He then turned to Water Hazard.

"Assist civilians. Your quirk is going to be more useful here than out there."

"What do you mean? My water could put out the flame and protect people!"

"I don't want you to stay here because you can't do anything out there. I want you to stay here to save more lives." Water Hazard glanced towards the injured. There was a kid who was sniffiling. He had a burn on his leg. It was bad.

"Please." He looked at silver to see his bangs covering his eyes.

"Could you them out?" Water Hazard took a deep breath as he walked over to the kid.

"Hey there kid. Don't worry I'm a hero. I'm here to help." Silver faintly smiled as he felt a hand on his shoulder. He look over at Kyoka and sighed. He put his brave faces on again as he felt a gust of wind. He turned around to see Sonic coming to an halt. He had a mother and son in his grasp. He put them down as he went over to Silver. His shoes were already singed whether what was from him running or the flames is up for debate.

"What's the sitch Silv? Why aren't you doing your thing?"

"It's the fire! It's weird!"

"What type of weird?" Blaze stepped up and stood infront of Sonic.

"The flames don't act natural. I think you can agree that getting civilians out has been a little easier than expected." She gestured around to all the hundreds of people around them. They were easy to rescue considering a large amount city was enclosed in flames. To think anyone got out alive would be a stretch.

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