An Acidic Rose

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Sun peered through her curtains coating her eyes in a gold splash of light. Her eyes fluttered open revealing two yellow islands in a sea of black. She let out a yawn before going about he morning routine. She did a few push ups something her dad suggested, and then took a shower. She got dressed up in green T-shirt, an orange skirt and began her research. It was a new thing she started she had to admit it was a little...weird but reasonable! If you had someone you were dying to meet wouldn't you got to some extreme to even see them in person. She scrolled through a news page talking about him and his new accomplices.

"The Blue Devil & Fox Devil strike again? Wonder who the new guy is? Maybe his brother?" She scrolled through a few mor blogs until she found a weird post. It was mapping the Vigilante's new plane flight paths.

"If you would look at the graph you would see that most of the flight comes from Central but ends in Station square. So it's possible that the vigilante lives in one of these citys, most likely Central and does his work in Station Square." Her eyes brighten as she ties up her blue sneakers. She grabs an orange hair tie and wrapped her hair into a ponytail.

"I'm going out dad!"

"K! Do you have my hammer?


"Ok then, Be back before night!" And she was off taking her bike and she rode all the way to Central city. She quite literally drove around for an hour and she found nothing. But she did peek down an alley to see The Shadow beat someone senseless. He noticed her and she drove off fast. There was a villain attack at the train station. Guy could grow and manipulate Crystal on his arms. Heroes were having a hard time until the White Comet came and easily beat the villain before leaving.

"Where is he?!" When Mina said she was going to look for the Blue Devil she meant it. But everywhere she looked in Central City there was nothing. So she biked to Station Square and found nothing. Her stomach growled so she went to a small market street. There she entered a small restaurant and took a seat on a stool. She rested her head on the table exhausted from biking.

"What can I get for you?" She looked up and felt her heart skip a beat. It was a handsome kid! He looked to be around her age and had dark blue hair and black pupils.

"Staring is a bit rude." She realized she ignored his question and her face became red.

"Sorry! Do you guys have ice cream."

"Sure what flavor?"



"Vanilla! Vanilla will be fine!" The waiter left and headed into the back as Mina banged her head on the counter. 'Some cute guy talks to you and you spaz! How are you ever gonna talk to the Blue Devil if you can even talk to boy?!' The waiter came back with her order. She ate and payed then left. And spent the rest of the day looking for the Blue Devil. But she came up with nothing so defeated she went home.

"I'm back."

"How was you day Mina?" Her mom was in the kitchen cooking dinner as She plopped down on the couch.

"I was trying to find some cool...hero today and everywhere I went I couldn't find him!" Mina's mom came and sat next to her.

"Do you want to know what I suggest?"

"Mom they're not going to work."

"How would you know? You haven't tried them!"

"Archer lost and broke his bow last time he used them!" Mina's mom went into a closet and pulled out a deck of cards and threw them upon Mina.

"Let's do this right now then!"



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