Chapter 2:

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*warning abuse in this chapter*

How did this lovely couple turn into something different behind closed doors

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How did this lovely couple turn into something different behind closed doors.

Will "I am not gonna tell you again, get the fuck up Jennifer", JJ "leave me alone, aren't you tired of beating me. You're doing this behind closed doors, fuck you", Will "you better watch your mouth", he said pulling by the hair. JJ was on edge at this point, she lied on the floor, Will wrapped her hands around her neck and brutally choked her. JJ struggled to breathe, her face was turning bright red and she was unable to even defend herself. A few minutes before he made her pass out he let go of her neck, JJ crawled to the corner, grasping for breath. Will "you are never going to leave me Jennifer, you are stuck with me", JJ looked at him with the most terrifying expression ever, crying and still trying to catch her breath. Will "go get me a beer", JJ didn't wanna do it but she knew that if she didn't he would just put his hands on her again. JJ got up from the floor and went to the kitchen, grabbing a case of beer out of the fridge and brought it to the living room, JJ left to the bathroom. She locked the door, she turned the sink on and dropped the floor against the door crying hysterically. She looked down at her phone to notice the text messages she got from her best friend.

Emily: hey love
JJ: I can't talk right now
Emily: JJ what's going on?
JJ: nothing I just can't talk
Emily: please talk to me
JJ: I can't talk right now, I will text you later okay
Emily: JJ please, I'm worried and so is the rest of the team
JJ: I'm really sorry, I can't talk
Emily: love please, speak to me. I'm your best friend, literally you're best friend
JJ: this is something I can't talk about. I'm sorry
Emily: JJ you're scaring me
JJ: goodbye Emily

Will "you better get out here and making me my fucking dinner right now", JJ didn't wanna deal with Will but she knew that the only way he wouldn't lay a hand on her is by her doing what he wants. JJ "what would you like me to make you", she asked stepping into the kitchen. Will "my favorite, get cooking I'm hungry over here", JJ "on it", she said as she started to dice up onions here and there, and peppers tossing it into the pot. Halfway through making the food, JJ served him as well as got another case of beer from the fridge. Will "thank you", JJ "you're welcome", Will "sever yourself, I want you to eat with me", JJ "okay", she served herself and then sat beside him, the two of them ate, when they finished she took the plates to the kitchen and cleaned the dishes and the countertop. JJ "is it okay if I go shower", Will "yeah", JJ "okay", she left to the bathroom. She pulled the scrunchie out of her hair, letting it down, her beautiful blonde hair passed her shoulder. She undressed herself and got in the shower, the music she played on her speaker blocked all of the darkness she was hiding. The shower water came down all over her, she lathered her body with soap and then sat in the tub. Relaxing trying not to think about Will but think about Emily, who she was pushing away. She washed her face, the soap from her hair came down her body as she started to rinse out her hair, once finished she shut the shower off, and grabbed her towel. Out of the bathroom and into the bedroom to get dressed, Will "you look liked you enjoyed your shower", JJ "yeah. It was very nice", she said as she lathered her body with lotion. He pressed his hand against her thigh, JJ "can we please not get into this right now", Will "we barely have fun anymore", JJ "please", just as her towel accidentally fell, his hand gripped her neck and he shoved her up against the wall. JJ "please let go", Will "shut up", he started forcing himself upon her, JJ "please let me go", she begged. JJ "I don't wanna do this", little did they know Henry and Michael were back from school. JJ "please", she begged constantly for him to let her go but he didn't bother and continued to force himself all over her. Henry slammed the door open, to his horror, he couldn't undo what he just witnessed. Will "what the fuck are you going? Coming in here without knocking", Henry "and what are you doing putting your hands all over my mom, get off of her. Let her go", he pushed him off of his mom, grabbing the towel off of the floor and wrapping it around her, Will "this isn't over", he said brushing pass his son. JJ "please take your brother and go to Emily's", Henry "but mom. He's gonna hurt you", JJ "I don't care, I worry for you and your brother. Please take him and go to Emily's. Pack up some clothes", Henry "I can't leave you here", JJ "I'll be fine. Take your brother and go, hurry before he gets back from the yard. If he catches you he won't let you two leave, go baby. Please", Henry "I love you", JJ "I know. I love you too", Henry and Michael left, heading straight to Emily's house. Will "you let them leave", he said pushing her into the wall, JJ "you're not gonna hurt my children, you can hurt me but you won't hurt them", he kicked her in the stomach numerous amount of times, she couldn't even get up. He lifted her taking her to the room, and proceeded to brutally beat her with a belt, hitting her in every body part imaginable. Her cries, her cries for sympathy didn't care, JJ didn't know how long she could take it, her body was becoming more and more sore. Will "you're gonna tell them to come back and if you don't I'm going to beat you until you can't move", JJ struggled to move, even her crawling didn't get her no where. JJ "let me go", she blurred out. Her fragile body just lied there, Will pacing back and forth, if JJ didn't get help soon she's gonna end up dying. The boys arrived at Emily's, completely out of breath from running, Henry knocked on the door. Emily opened the door, Emily "what's going on? Are you boys okay, oh my goodness come in", Henry hugged Emily tightly, didn't wanna let go of her. Emily "Henry please talk to me. What's going on", Henry cried into her shoulders. Emily "let's get you two settled, how about a shower and then I can make you something to eat", Henry "yeah", Emily showed them to the bathroom. Emily "two towels here, washcloths, if you need anything you need just call me", Henry "okay. Emily", Emily "yeah", Henry "thank you", Emily "you don't have to thank me, I'll do anything for you boys", Emily left the boys in the bathroom and she left to the kitchen to quickly make them something to eat. 1 hour later. Michael was in Emily's room sleeping, Emily "do you wanna tell me what's going on", Henry "when I got home my mom was naked and my dad was brutally beating and assaulting her", Emily "what, that doesn't sound like your father", Henry "but he did, he brutally beat her. He was hitting her with a belt, she was crying, he beat her. She was screaming, her body was covered in bruises, he forced himself on her. He's not my dad anymore, that wasn't the first time that he did that to her", Emily "William is brutally beating your mom", Henry "yeah and if she doesn't get help she's gonna die", Emily "we need to get to the BAU immediately, let's go", Emily quickly changed, and got the boys in the car driving straight to the BAU.

Penelope "what's going on", Emily "boys go to my office", Henry "okay", Luke "what's going on", Emily "we've got a huge problem

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Penelope "what's going on", Emily "boys go to my office", Henry "okay", Luke "what's going on", Emily "we've got a huge problem. I will be right back", Emily went to her office, Henry was fidgeting, unable to stay still. Emily "are you gonna be able to tell them everything that you told me", Henry "can you stay with me? Hold me please, you're the closest person to my mom, I trust you the most", Emily "of course I'll stay with you. Let's go", she stood up holding her hand out, Henry took it. She left Michael playing with toys, Luke "what's going on", Emily "I'm right here, just tell them", Henry "my mom could really use your help, all of your help. I don't know how much longer she could take, the pain she's suffering I'm not sure if she's gonna be okay, I came home from school with my little brother, and I went into my parents room because I heard yelling and screaming, my mom was naked and Will was choking her, he forced himself upon her. He beat her with a belt, I pushed him off of her and she told me to go straight to Emily's", Henry started crying, all he could think about was his mother, the pain she was enduring. Emily took Henry back to her office, Emily "call me if you need anything. I love you", Henry "I love you too". Luke "what are we supposed to do, just go to the house and detain him", Emily "listen we don't even know if JJ's alive, he's been torturing her for the longest time. He probably wants her to feel something, we have to just get her. Save her, Henry what's wrong", Henry "this just came in on my phone",

 Save her, Henry what's wrong", Henry "this just came in on my phone",

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Emily "oh my gosh. Is he live? We need to move now if we don't he's gonna kill her, Henry I need you to stay here with Penelope, can you do that", Henry "I'm scared", Emily "I know you are, but I've gotta be with the team, I need to be the lead on this. I'm gonna save her, you can trust me. You have my word, I will save her", Henry "don't let him hurt her anymore", Emily "Henry I've really gotta go", Henry "please just save her", Emily "I will", she kissed him on the head and then got in the elevator with the rest of the team. They split up all getting into their FBI vehicles, driving to JJ's house. Emily "we've got snipers in both directions, we've gotta make this quick though, her time is ticking. We go in, we find JJ and rescue her, Will needs to be obtained. This is a team operation, she's one of us, let's bring her back in one piece, her son is counting on us, on me. On my count break the door. F B I open up, I said F B I open up. Break the damn door", Luke broke the door in, and they scattered throughout the house, going around each corner of the house with their guns, pointing their weapons within every room they entered. Emily "oh my goodness, he's been documenting her torture. He has all of these photos, poor JJ", Tara "the whole house was cleared. She's not here", Emily "she's gonna be here, if he left he must have fled but she's gotta be there. Henry said he wouldn't have taken her out of the house. Keep searching", Luke "Emily we searched, she's not here", Emily "keep looking, I don't care how long it takes, find something", Emily brushed past him and out of the house. She noticed foot trails, she started to follow the footsteps, she pulls out her gun, that's when she spotted her. Emily "JJ, JJ", she rushed over to her, her body was cold, she was barely even dressed, Emily took out her radio, Emily "I need a medic, I medic immediately. I've got a missing agent located. Dispatch my name is Emily Prentiss, I'm the BAU unit chief, I've got an agent down, her name is Jennifer Jareau. She's covered in bruises, she's been brutally beaten and assaulted, I need an ambo, she's very cold. I need a medic right now. JJ stay with me, I'm right here. I'm here love", JJ "the kids", she blurred out in a struggle. Emily "they're with Penelope, they are safe. Please don't talk", JJ held her hand out, and Emily held it, kissing it. Emily "I'm here", the ambulance arrived, got JJ in the ambulance rushing her to the hospital. Emily didn't leave her side, staying with her the whole time, she waited in the waiting room for news.

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