Chapter 15:

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Emily took the boys to school and then headed to work to file and settle some paperwork that needed to be done. JJ stood home with Emerson, who had a doctor's appointment that day.

JJ "I miss you so much", she said to her girlfriend over the phone, Emily "I miss you too, so when are you leaving to take Emerson to her appointment", JJ "well her appointment isn't until around noon so I'm just letting her sleep in while I do so...

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JJ "I miss you so much", she said to her girlfriend over the phone, Emily "I miss you too, so when are you leaving to take Emerson to her appointment", JJ "well her appointment isn't until around noon so I'm just letting her sleep in while I do some laundry and housework for the meantime to kill the time. How's the paperwork going", Emily "it's alright, there's a lot of cases that I'm currently going over and just transferring them to other field units because they don't go with our work requirements", JJ "like what, anything interesting", Emily "not really, everything that has to do with gold star and sicarius is of course in our hands and I hate this because I just wanna move on from it", JJ "I think baby girl is starting to wake up, I can hear her", Emily "well I'll let you go then and I'll talk to you in a bit", JJ "sure thing babe, I love you", Emily "I love you too", JJ went to the Maya's room to get her, Emerson was still pretty tired but alright was on her bed watching videos on her tablet, JJ "come downstairs so mommy can make you some breakfast", JJ was in the kitchen get some breakfast for Emerson, who was playing by the couch and watching tv. JJ "Emerson come baby, breakfast", Emerson "I'm not hungry mommy, no hungry", JJ "Emerson please baby. I need you to eat some food", Emerson finally sat down and ate some of her breakfast after complaining about not wanting any of the food. After breakfast, JJ and Emerson showered, JJ got Emerson dressed first and then she got dressed, and finally left for Emerson's appointment. Once at the doctor's office and Emerson was checked in, she played at the little table with some of the toys at the table, JJ kept an eye on baby girl while watching videos she got from Emily, which made her crack up. "Jareau-Prentiss Emerson", JJ "come on baby", JJ picked up Emerson and followed the doctor to the examination room. "So today's just a basic checkup for her", JJ "yes correct. She just started school and I think she's missing three vaccines due to previous neglect from the other people that had supposedly caring for her", the doctor pulled up Emerson's medical records, "yes correct. It says here I will be needing to give her three vaccines, so she can be up to date. You can start off by taking off her shoes so I can measure her height and weight her", JJ "okay", JJ had Emerson slip off her shoes and she got her height measurements and her weight measurements. The doctor also checked her blood pressure, and checked her ears and eyes, and did the basic check up examination. "Alright so I am gonna leave to get the vaccines", JJ "okay", the doctor left for a few minutes, and returned with the vaccine, and once Emerson saw the sight of the vaccine she started to cry and freak out. "To make this easier I can do two vaccines on one of her thighs and the other one on her other thigh", JJ "okay", JJ pulled Emerson into her lap and slipped her pants down to her thighs, the doctor rubbed an alcohol pad on both of her thighs, and just as the doctor gave her the vaccines, JJ covered her mouth so her screams wouldn't be so loud. After JJ was given paperwork for the visit, JJ carried her daughter out, she didn't let go of JJ. JJ "how about we go to the park, huh", Emerson "ice cream", JJ "well let's get some play time in the park and then get some ice cream", Emerson "okay", JJ checked on the car and then they went to the park, JJ sat on the bench while Emerson played. She took a picture and sent it to Emily who was still at work, and call her to chat.

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