Dead, But Not Really | [Ashlyn]

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Basically ao3 gave me "what if Ashlyn died?" fics. I decided to join in. :3

Btw, I kinda made up a new phantom for the sake of this story, again...

Also in this lil scenario, it's like a 'everyone dies one by one until it's the leader that's left' so expect some y'know, pain or aching from the others.

Trigger warnings:

Blood & Gore
Descriptions of being impaled (y'all know where this is going..)
Hurt/comfort tho!!! (for now.. *insert evil laughing*)


Running through the woods, were the kids. All of them looked disheveled, and bruised. For context, some weeks ago, they all had escaped the facility, with the help of Alex. And after that, they were home, in the arms of their parents. But that didn't mean everything was fine. Their shifts are still there, they're fugitives, and they can not even go out nor open the windows. If they do, then back to the facility they go.

And now, this specific time, they were in their shift, running for their lives. A huge wave of phatoms were chasing them a while ago, and they just lost them, which was a relief.

Logan was the first to collapse, as he was breathing heavily on the ground. Ben kneeled down, an attempt to support Logan. The poor boy was wheezing, which was a sight for the others to stop and take a break. After all, they have been running for 3 hours straight all this time.

Logan was far from good, ever since he got shot near the heart due to the previous failed mission during the past few weeks. Ben insisted a while ago that he should carry Logan, but Logan protested. And now, he regreted for protesting.

"Fuck, I hate running so much.." Tyler groaned, as he collapsed to a nearby tree, leaning his back against it.

"Funny for you to say that, baseball player" Aiden half chuckled, massaging his forehead. The pounding headache still did not go away, and due to all this running, he felt like he was being bashed in the head with a hammer.

Tyler shrugged at Aiden's comment, as he tried to take deep, and steady breaths.

Ashlyn looked around, and all she can see was the tall trees surrounding them, with no sight of any light other than their flashlights. They were lost.

Ashlyn sighed in frustration, as she let herself sit on the ground. She looked back at Taylor, who had her hand on her chest, frowning in pain. To sum it up, she met the same fate with Tyler, except for the whole car incident. Instead, a large branch fell down on her, piercing on her chest. Luckily, it didn't hit her heart, but she was still badly injured.

She looked back at Ben, and the only thing that could be noticable was the wound on his throat. It happened back in the facility, during their shifts. A phantom ambushed him, and pierced his throat.

She felt miserable. She frowned, as she covered her face with her arms. If only she wasn't born, then all of them would not have have these shifts, these life threatening deaths, seizures, and everything. She was the reason they're all fugitives. It was her fault. Everything is her fault. She doesn't have the right to li-

"Earth to Ash! I repeat, earth to Ash!" A voice rung through her ears, as she jolted.

She looked at the person, and saw it was Aiden. She groaned "what is it, Aiden?"

"Oh- sorry for being too loud, heh.." Aiden chuckled, and sat down next to her. They both sat, awkward silence filled their atmospheres. The only thing that could be heard were the others talking.

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