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I offered to wash up for everyone again when Jin stopped me. He assigned Hobi and Jimin to do it instead. I just smiled as I settled back onto the couch next to Namjoon hyung. He was busy replying to some emails and looked really stressed.

"Can I help in any way, hyung?"

Namjoon hyung said he was fine and continued replying. But I realized he didn't have his glasses with him, and he would end up using them. So I went to get his glasses for him and a drink and settled them down on the table for him.

He looked at it, surprised. He smiled at me as he thanked me softly and slipped on his glasses to do his work.

"You know I need my glasses?"

"I always see you with them hyung especially when you are doing your work. So, I thought of getting them for you. Is everything ok? You look so stressed."

Namjoon kept quiet, but he finally turned to look at me and confided that planning the logistics of the upcoming concert was driving him mad. I just listened to him and tried to offer advice or two. He listened to me diligently and then nodded his head, thanking me for listening to him. I just smiled.

I continued watching my show but did it softly, so I didn't bother him too much. I thought of waiting for him since we had no work the next day, but I ended up falling asleep on the couch whilst doing so.

I woke up around 3am suddenly, aware that I was somewhere else and realized I was in my room. How the hell did I make it here?I figured hyung must have carried me back. I stood up, wanting to get a drink and got a heart attack when I saw hyung still doing his work on the couch all by himself.

"Hyung! Why aren't you sleeping?!!"

"Oh, Kookie. Why are you awake? I'm not done with my work yet, so I'm just doing it."

"But it's 3am hyung.."

"3am already? Oh my. I didn't realize. Okays I will sleep soon. Don't worry."

I stood there steadfastly. I knew he wouldn't go unless he saw someone waiting for him. So I got a drink of water and settled myself on the couch waiting for him patiently. It was nearly 4.15am when he was done. He was very apologetic but I waved it off.

"I just don't want you sleeping so late hyung though I know you have a lot of on your plate. Please don't wake up early later."

He nodded and was about to go off to his room when he turned to me.

"Do you have any plans tomorrow?"

I shook my head, citing no.

"Why hyung?"

"I know that new game is out. The one you been wanting to buy. If you want, we can go to buy it and have lunch?"

A smile flitted over my face and I nodded eagerly! He laughed at me and we went back to our own rooms as it was way too late.

The following day, around 2pm, hyung and I went to the store. We were looking around and I saw the game I wanted! I eagerly went up to get it but realized it was pricier than what I had hoped it would be. I put it back, not wanting to waste so much of money. But barely a few seconds later, Namjoon hyung took it and placed it in the basket. I tried to retort, claiming it was too expensive but he just flicked me on my head.

He then brought me around and asked me if I wanted anything else. I refused to take anything else but he grabbed a few more games he know I would enjoy playing but didn't have them. He paid for it all and we left the store.

"You shouldn't have spent your money like that."

"It's ok. It's worth it. It's only for you Kookie. Why not? You deserve it too."

"But it's your money.... you should be spending it on yourself."

"But I'm just spending it on you like how you do with the sandwich and coffee."

"That's barely 10 bucks!!"

"The amount didn't matter. The thought did. The fact that you woke up at 5am to get there by 6am. And be back before I woke up at 7am. That's all that matters. This is nothing. Please don't reject it."

I looked at him but didn't say anything. We had lunch and headed back. There was no one at home when we got in. Everyone was away at their own plans. He passed me the games and was about to go to his room when I held onto his hand.

Namjoon turned to look at me confused. I just stepped up and hugged him, thanking him for the games. He just held onto me, humming softly in response. Just then we heard the door open and separated. It was Suga at the door.

He looked at us. I was looking at him like a deer caught in headlights. I didn't realize hyung was sporting the same look.

"Why do the two of you look so lost?"

I shook my head, saying nothing and just scuttled off. As I closed the door, I heard Namjoon sigh and whisper something to Suga.

He thought I didn't hear him. The problem was, I did.

Namjoon had told Suga, "That kid is wrecking havoc on my heart, Yoongichi."

And I didn't know how that was making me feel. I just knew, it wasn't a bad feeling.

My Hyung, My Love. [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now