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Hobi came home only around 1am. I knew because I couldn't sleep and just lay awake in bed, waiting for him.

I sat up when I heard the front door and was contemplating going out to see him but couldn't make up my mind. I got up, walked softly to my door, almost opened it and changed my mind, and decided to go back to bed. Then, I decided to go see him, went to the door and yet again I changed my mind! I did this like thrice when the 4th time, just as I was about to turn back to my bed, I felt a pair of hands push me out of the room! I stumbled out into Hobi's arms, who was walking back to his, both of us surprised. We turned to look at Jin, who was glaring at us angrily.

"You either make up with him and come back or don't! Stop pacing around the room at 1am! YAH! ARGH!"

He growled at us and left, locking the door on me. I was stunned. I frowned at the locked door. Hobi had let go of me and was looking at the door alongside me, too.


I pinched my nose. He is probably wondering why I was kicked out. I looked at him sheepishly but didn't say anything. He just looked at me, absolutely confused.

"Sleep in my room first. You can speak to Jin tomorrow. He's definitely not going to open the door tonight."

I nodded and followed him into his room. I got settled in bed whilst Hobi took a quick shower and then joined me in bed, but there was a distance between us. We were silent for a bit. Then he wished me good night and turned to his right, his back facing me. I sighed inwardly as I just laid there, unable to sleep. I hated that we were not talking. That this was this unspoken cold war between us. It was making me feel displaced.

People usually thought I didn't care but the people that matter to me - it means the world to me if they are fighting with me. Especially Hobi. We were awfully close, so this was sucky. A couple of minutes later, Hobi turned to me.


"Come here."

I quickly scrambled towards him, and he held onto me. Tightly. Securing me in his comfortable hold again.

"Sleep, Yoongs. We can talk tomorrow. I can hear your mind thinking a mile a minute away."

"Hobi... I..."

He looked down at me. Then, barely a second later, he pressed a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Please sleep."

I nodded, my face reddening. I nestled my face into his chest, and he held onto me. Fuck, I was falling for him and his bloody hugs. Big time.

The next day was a free day for us, which meant we could all sleep in. Okays, more like I can sleep in and everyone else utilised their off day well. I woke up, around 10am, feeling tired as usual no matter how much I slept and how well I slept.

I knew I slept well last night thanks to Hobi but perpetually tired. Its just me, I think. I sat up, looking at the bed and realizing Hobi was missing again. I guess he had gone out. I showered, changed and left the room.

I walked towards the kitchen, where I heard Jin and Hobi speaking. I hung back a bit, clearly wanting to evasdrop with little shame.

"What's with you two? Last night he kept pacing the room nonstop."

"Nothing.. its.. just.."

"If you like him, tell him Hobi. Don't just keep it from him."

Hobi was quiet.

"You know he's just afraid he will be rejected and ruin the friendship, so he will rather keep quiet."

"Then what about me? You think I'm not afraid he's not the one, but I will be rejected? He doesn't even want to room with me. Do you think he likes me? I'm just Hobi to him. The one he has known as a bandmate for years. That's all. A friend. That's all I ever be."

I could hear Hobi coming out, so I quickly ducked into the common toilet. My heart was beating extremely fast. I had no idea Hobi was feeling so insecure. I thought I was the only one.

I came out of the toilet and pretended to go to the kitchen to get food. Jin greeted me, albeit a little quietly still pissed about last night. I apologised to him, and he finally just smiled, asking me to go eat and not bother him. I asked him about the boys, and he filled me in on their whereabouts. Everyone was out except for Hobi. Even Jin was going out soon.

"The house will be empty. So please don't quarrel with Hobi again, ok?"

I nodded. I ate my breakfast quietly as Jin got ready to leave. Before he left, he turned to look at me.

"It's always going to be difficult. But if you don't try, you never know."

I kept quiet, just looking at my plate. I cleaned up once I was done and decided to go see Hobi in his room when he came out. He had on his dance outfit.

"Going somewhere?"

"Yes, I think I will go practise dance a bit."

"It's an off day. Don't you want a break?"

"I.. na.. I'm good. You go rest. I will see you later."

Hobi came towards my direction, heading towards the door when I held onto his hand.

"We need to talk. I mean, I want to talk to you, please?"

Hobi just looked at our clasped hands and finally nodded his head. That's all I needed. I stepped up and kissed him instead! I think he was so shocked that he gasped slightly, and I snuck my tongue in, enveloping him slowly.

I finally pulled away, and he looked at me, stunned.

"Yoong..yoongiii..yoongiichiii! What did you just do?"

"You don't like it?"

"Not that I don't..  I mean no, wait. You are.. you kissed me! You wouldn't do that.."

"Shouldn't or wouldn't?"

Hobi fell silent. "Why are you bullying me?"

"I'm not. I'm just asking."

Hobi looked at me, his ears all red. My face wasn't any better either.

I looked at him for a long bit before I opened my arms, and he came towards me instead. This time, it was me hugging him.

I'm telling him how much I actually like him. More than just a bandmate or colleague or friend. I'm telling him how much I paced the room yesterday contemplating over coming out to see him until Jin chased me out. I was telling him how afraid I was to confess my own feelings, thinking I was alone in my fears until I realized he felt the same way, too.

And me telling him how I wanted to be braver for us. Hobi pulled away, looking at me, his eyes teary.

"Just be my boyfriend already, ok?"

My Hyung, My Love. [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now