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I groaned as I sat up. My head was absolutely spinning. I found myself in a private suite in a hospital.

The last I had recalled was that our car had veered off the highway trying to avoid another car when it had suddenly crossed our path!

I saw us flip, and that was it. Shit, the boys! Were they fine? I sat up better, and that's when I realized I saw most of them in the room with me, sporting bruises or arm in a sling but very much alive. I sighed a sense of relief as I counted off the boys but realized JK was missing.

"Where's Kookie? Why is he missing?"

I was getting a bit agitated when Suga came up to me, trying to calm me down. Jin came up to me and then muttered, "Don't panic. He's fine. He got his injuries addressed. You had suffered a hard knock to your head because you had thrown yourself to protect the boys in your row. So you will be admitted tonight, ok? But the rest of us are fine. Manager nim told us to lay a low profile first."

I nodded, though I desperately wanted to see JK. A little while later, he finally appeared. The boys had gone back to get some clothes for me and also to change out of their own. I was just resting when JK walked in, sporting abrasions to his jawline and his right wrist wrapped securely.


I sat up, looking at him. I was so happy to see him alive and well that I was speechless. I finally beckoned him over.

"Come here. Are you ok?"

JK nodded. He came over to me and sat on the bed near me. I leaned forward and grabbed him in a hug.

"Hyung, be careful. It's painful."

"Ooops, sorry, I am just happy to see you are ok. I got so worried when I did not see you earlier."

I pulled away from him, peering at him closely. I ran my fingers lightly over his face and rested it on his cheeks. JK just looked at me and leaned in closer to my touch, as if hoping that the touch would be permanently fixated on his face. I leaned in even closer to him, letting our foreheads touch a bit.

"Stay with me till I am discharged, ok? We will go home together. I do not want you out of my sight."

JK just nodded in response. I finally pulled away from him, and just as I wanted to say something, the nurse came in. She wanted to do the routine medical checks and also draw blood for further testing. I saw JK cringe as she drew my blood. He kept clenching his hand and shut his eyes as the needle went into me. I nearly chuckled at his dismay. The nurse looked at him and just went, "But I am not even drawing your blood. Why are you so afraid? Boy, I think you better pacify your boyfriend."

I looked at the nurse stunned. "Ah, he ..."

"I am not his boyfriend. Just a younger brother." Before I could say anything, JK had jumped in. The nurse looked at us thoughtfully.

"Right, brothers. If you guys say so. I don't really care. Think you two look cute together. And I remember the fuss you were throwing when you didn't get to see him. And you too, panicking about him at the surgical area." She just cocked her head at us as she laughed to herself, muttering about ignorant boys as she went off.

"You were worrying about me?"

"Why were you panicking about me at the surgical area?"

We both fell silent, refusing to answer. Just then, the boys came back with clothes for us. We all chatted amicably and were laughing away. Visiting hours were up at 10 pm, so the boys had to leave. I kept looking at JK as I had told him to stay, but he looked like he was preparing to leave with them.

I wondered if I had to say something when Jin told him to stay back.

"You stay with RM and keep an eye on him. Come back with him tomorrow, ok?"

JK just nodded his head. I looked over at Jin, who just shot me a meaningful look before looking at Suga. I looked over at Suga, who just smiled at me. I bit my lips as I just nodded my head gratefully at him. The boys left, and since it was a private room, there was a couch. The same nurse came in to make sure we were all fine, and she even had an extra pillow and blanket for JK. He accepted it gratefully, thanking her.

JK sat on the couch, chatting with me till we both felt sleepy. We both ended up dozing off. I woke up around 7 am. to find JK missing and the nurse taking my vitals. She told me he had gone to take a shower and also got me some breakfast. I nodded as I waited for him to come back.

Meanwhile, I got a shower supported by the nurse aids and was attempting to brush my hair when he came back. He smiled at me as he took the comb from me, offering to do it for me. I thanked him gratefully and checked in on him as he brushed my hair.

"The doctor said you can be discharged today. The manager will be coming by to pick us up later."

"That's good. How do you feel, by the way?"

"I'm ok. The wounds are healing. I should be better soon. I'm the golden maknae, after all. All is good."

"My maknae.. of course, you are ok."


"Nothing. I was saying our maknae. Of course you are ok."

"Oh. I thought you meant I was your maknae.."

I looked at JK, who was starting to blush and look away.


"It's ok hyung. I was just kidding.."

"And what if I told you I wanted you to be my maknae?"

JK looked at me for a long while. Finally he just muttered, "I will tell you to make up your mind. Stop stringing me."

I fell silent. JK had a point. What did I exactly want?

"And you know what you want?" I whispered half afraid to hear the answer.

JK looked at me for a long while before he nodded his head. Just as the door opened, I heard him whisper back, "You.".

My heart took a leap as the door opened to reveal my manager who just beamed at us. We smiled back at him, shelving the conversation for now.

But will I ever have the courage to go back to it later?

My Hyung, My Love. [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now