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I was watching TV when JK shuffled into the hall. I patted the couch, and he sat down next to me. Hobi was on the love seat, holding a blanket close to his face and almost half asleep already.

Tae and Jimin were out catching a movie  whilst Jin wad in his room, and Suga was still at work. I looked over at Kookie, who was playing with the plaster on his injured finger absent mindedly.

"Stop doing that. It wouldn't recover quickly then."

JK looked at me but nodded quietly, not playing with the wound anymore. He just leaned back as he watched the show with me. A little while later, Hobi stood up, muttering about bed and shuffled off. I chuckled lowly at this sleepy fellow.

JK was awfully quiet. Usually, he's up to something when we are watching a show together.

"Are you ok? You seem awfully quiet. Are you still thinking about the comments?'

"No hyung. I was just thinking about something else."

"What is it, tell hyung? Maybe we can find a solution together."

"I was just.. thinking..  you take care of all of us."

"Yes. Because I'm also your leader. It's my responsibility to do so. Plus, all of you are still so young. Look at you, V and Jimin. You need someone to look after you."

"But who's looking after you, hyung? You are always looking out for us, taking care of us. But who's looking after you? You even look after Jin hyung, Hobi hyung, and Suga hyung. You practically look after all 6 of us. So, who is there for you then?"

I kept quiet, looking at JK. What was with him? This.. I had never thought of it.. To me, it didn't matter as long as these boys were safe. Why was this boy suddenly bringing this up?


"Can I look after you, hyung? Can I take care of you? I promise to do a good job."

I looked at JK completely baffled. He looked so earnest about it, looking at me with his doe like eyes. I nodded. I just agreed against my better judgement. Anyways, what did he mean by look after? What can he do? So I figured it was easier to just agree with him.

He smiled at me, thrilled I said yes. He then stood up, about to run off.

"Where are you off to?"

"I'm going to sleep earlier hyung. So I can wake up earlier tomorrow. So you don't have to worry about waking me up. I have to be responsible if I want to look after you right?"

JK just bade me good night and left before I could say anything. I just looked at his retreating back when Suga came in.

"You ok? You look like you saw a ghost."

"I'm ok. I'm just.."

I filled Suga in on what JK had told me. He just smiled.

"So you got yourself a boyfriend. That's nice."

"What boyfriend?! He's our maknae!!! There's no such thing."

Suga just laughed but didn't say anything else, just bidding me goodnight and shuffling off to his room.

The next morning, I woke up at 7am, trudging sleepily to the kitchen. To my surprise, JK was already up, nursing a bowl of cereal with Jin.

"You guys are up early."

"This brat. Woke up at 5am. Then woke me up asking for some cafe address and then went off. YAH. JEON JUNGKOOK. STAY AWAY FROM ME TODAY."

JK just laughed as Jin went back to his cereal sleepily. I laughed as I went to the coffee machine, about to make myself coffee when I saw my favourite coffee and sandwich from the cafe nearby. I looked at it perplexed. The cafe opened at 6am so who had.... oh my god. I looked up at JK who was just eating quietly.

He must have gone to get the coffee and sandwich for me. What time did he exactly wake up? Wait, Jin said he wad harassed at 5am by him so he must have woken up then.

I didn't say a word. Jin finished his cereal and went to shower. JK was still eating when I went to sit with him. I just nursed the coffee and sandwich quietly. JK didn't say anything but had a smile plastered to his face the entire time whilst I was eating. Just as he was about to go off, I thanked him softly for the food.

He just grinned at me and then went off. I was just about finishing my food when the rest started streaming in. I told everyone to be ready by 8.30am as the car was coming. They all agreed.

In the car, I was sitting next to V when JK was about to climb in. I asked V if he wanted to sit at the front today since he hardly gets a chance to be passenger princess. He quickly nodded and scuttled off. JK then boarded, slipping into the seat next to me. Suga came in next and gave me a knowing look and I just glared at him!

I watched as JK settled himself into the seat. He must be tired still as he nodded off and fell asleep on Suga's shoulders. I didn't say anything and just continued glancing at him periodically. At one point, Suga just lifted his head and pushed him towards me. He was about to stir but I quickly held on and let him nestle onto me. He just slept through as we had quite a journey. But oddly after that, I had stopped glancing as I knew JK was lying down on my shoulders. I looked over at Suga who just smirked at me before settling down to sleep himself.

Ugh, this man! He was just planting ideas in my head. I told myself not to be silly and to remember my place.

The rest of the day, went by in a whirlwind. It was a long day of practice but JK was very conscious of ensuring I had enough water, food and also took a break occasionally. He also made an effort to make sure the maknae line behaved and also helped Jin out when we reached home with dinner.

I really could take a breather and was just playing games when the 2 boys came out with fruits for us. V grabbed JK and got him to sit on his lap as they had fruits. I didn't say anything and just smiled, though I know it made me feel a little weird.

I thought JK wanted to look after me? Shouldn't he be sitting by my side then?

My Hyung, My Love. [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now