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I woke up and realized the bed was empty. I got off bed and went to get ready for the day. I went for breakfast and realized Suga was missing. I asked the rest, but they told me he had already gone to the studio.

I frowned. Why would he go so early? We all finished up our breakfast and made our way to the studio. There, I saw Yoongi practising the dance.

"Yoongs." I called out to him. He turned out, the perspiration lightly glistening on his face. Everyone was getting ready, so nobody noticed us.

"Why are you here so early?"

"I came to practice so I wouldn't get scolded by you."


"I'm kidding. I told you I would try harder. Plus, I woke up early, so I came to practice."

"Have you had breakfast?"

"I had a tangerine. Wait, maybe 2 or 3."

"That's not breakfast Yoongs!"

"It's fine. We are ending early today anyway. I just eat later."

I kept quiet. I just huffed and walked away but heard Yoongi chuckling away. Practice went on for about 3 hours but everyone did their parts well today. By the time we were done at 2pm, we were all starving. We had the rest of the day off.

Namjoon went to his studio to work on his songs. The maknae line had a photoshoot so they went off for that. Jin offered to cook so he went home. I went to look for Yoongi. He came out of the bathroom carrying his bag.

"Going home for lunch?"

Yoongi's face faltered. "Uhm..I thought of going to my studio to work on my songs. I eat later.."

I didn't say anything and just nodded my head.  I bade him goodbye and left. Now I knew how he felt yesterday. I was pissed that he didn't want to eat but I couldn't say anything. I went home instead and just sat down in a huff on the couch.

"Are you ok?"

I looked up to see Jin looking at me confused.

"Yes I am, hyung. Why?"

"Then why do you look so pissed? It's unlike you."

I shook my head, insisting I was fine. To take my mind off things, I offered to help. I was helping him when Yoongi came home 30 minutes later. I saw him and pretended like I didn't. He went to keep his stuff and came to the kitchen, offering to help. Jin just looked confused.

"I'm glad for the help. But what's with today? First Hobi, now you?"

Yoongi fell silent and kept looking at me. I told Jin I would let Yoongi help and that I wanted to shower and scuttled off. I went to get a nice long shower, coming out feeling more refreshed and went into my room only to find Yoongi sitting on my bed waiting for me.

"Hobi ah.. can we talk?"

I just nodded but didn't start it. He stood up and came to me, hugging me tightly.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to skip lunch. I just got consumed by work. Then it hit me I was behaving like you yesterday and its not fair to you. I..I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too. I only realized how you felt when I came home and realized I was just pissed. You tell me not to make you worry. But you can't be doing this to me either."

Yoongi pulled away and looked at me soberly. Without realising it, I reached out to caress his face. I cupped his face gently and leaned in subconsciously. I think I would have kissed him but then I heard Jin screaming.

"YAH you two! Where are you?! Offering to help and then you disappeared?!?"

Before I could let go of Yoongi, Jin had opened my door and was stunned to see me holding his face and being so close to him. Both of us just looked at Jin who looked at us, opening and closing his mouth like a goldfish.

But then he muttered, "Next time, lock the door you idiots. Come help me when you are ready."

He then walked away after closing the door. I was just stunned. I turned to look at Yoongi who just looked at me too in silence and shock. We both pulled away without saying anything and decided to go help him.

We went back to the kitchen and helped Jin. With his antics, we fell into an easy camaderie and didn't bring up what had almost happened between us. The rest of the boys came back for dinner and over dinner Jin broached the topic of room assignments.

"RM & Kookie wanna room together. I'm fine with that. So that means, Suga and I will continue rooming together. Hobi, you get the room to yourself or do you want V or Jimin with you?"

I kept quiet and looked at Yoongi briefly. But he didn't say anything so I just said I was ok with that arrangement. Jin didn't say anything but just looked at Yoongi meaningfully but he still didn't say anything. Everyone was busy chatting over dinner but I could not help but retreat into a quiet space. I thought maybe Yoongi would want to room with me but I guess not.

Once dinner was over, Jin assigned Jimin and V to clean up duty. I decided to go to the studio for a bit to clear my head. I went to my room to get my stuff when I heard a knock on my door. I beckoned the person to come in whilst I continued grabbing my hoodie.

"Where are you going?" I heard Yoongi's soft voice.

I didn't turn to him and just replied, "To the studio hyung. Want to get some practice in."


I then turned around.

"You are older than me. It's ok for me to call you hyung once in a while."

Yoongi just frowned but didn't say anything. I bade him goodbye and was about to leave my room when he held onto my wrist.

"Let go, hyung."


"I said let go please."


"Damn it Yoongi. Let go!"

Yoongi finally let go. But I found myself unable to walk out. Instead I whispered to him. More to myself than him actually.

"Why are you doing this to me? Why are you wrecking my heart?"

"You think my heart isn't being wrecked? I'm not confused?"

Yoongi replied me softly. I turned towards him, not entirely but my side profile facing him.

He turned instead and laid his head on my shoulder. I ended up turning the remainder and held him in my arms. We were silently just holding onto each other until I heard a cough. We broke away only to see Jin standing there again.

"Are you sure you two don't want to room together?"

I kept quiet. I know I wanted Yoongi to be with me but he had to reply. I knew his space and comfort was very important to him.

Finally I heard him mutter, "It's fine Jin. I sleep in the room with you."

I didn't say anything though I was very disappointed to hear it. I heard Jin tsk in response, muttering cowards and then he went off. I just pulled my arm off Yoongi.

"I will be back soon Yoongs. Rest well."

I went off before he could stop me, my heart breaking with every damn step I took.

My Hyung, My Love. [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now