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I stirred awake, hearing voices. Just as I opened my eyes, I saw Jungkook walking away. I realized I was still enveloped in Hobi's arms. I tried to move away and Hobi held onto me. 

"You can still sleep. It's only 8.30am. Rehearsal has been pushed to noon."

"Ah, its ok. Kookie woke me up with his voice. I will just go get ready." 

Hobi nodded at me and watched as I pulled away and trudged to the bathroom. Once I was in the bathroom, I just looked at myself in the mirror. I realized my face was slightly red, low key embarrassed knowing that JK had probably caught me nestling in Hobi's arms. I just rubbed my face tiredly, hoping the little one would not call me out on and tease me about it. I took a quick shower, changed into something comfortable and came out to a neatly made bed but no Hobi. I guess he had gone to the other bathroom to shower. 

I walked out to the dining room and the boys were all there, minus in various states of sleepiness. I saw an empty seat next to RM and took it, just resting my head on the table immediately. I heard a chuckle then felt someone sitting next to me. I continued lying there until the person pushed a plate to me and told me to eat up. That was when I realized it was Hobi and  I looked up, seeing him chat away with Tae and Jimin animatedly. I looked at my plate and realized he had fixed me one, based on what I would eat. I didn't say anything but started to eat, grateful for it actually. This Hobi has always been very sweet to all of us. 

Once we were all done, we all went for dance practice. It was a full day of practice and Hobi was a slave driver as usual. At one point, I made too many mistakes and he got pissed off and told me off. I just stared at him. I mean, I knew I had messed up but fuck, did he have to get all pissy on me? I wanted to say something scathing but bit my tongue and just apologized. The rest of the boys looked at me sadly. I shrugged it off and we continued. Another 2 hours later and we finally called it a day. Most of them just quickly walked, exhausted from the long day. I just collapsed on the floor and laid there like a starfish. I was lying there for a few minutes when I felt something cold press against my cheek. I opened my eyes to see Hobi sitting next to me with my favorite drink. 

"Are you ok?"

"Yes, I am. Why?"

"I am sorry about earlier. I..just..I am sorry. I shouldn't have lost my temper at you."

I kept quiet, just sitting up and taking the drink, thanking him for it. 

"We all had a long day, Hobi. By that point, ours legs are just tired. I know you want it to be perfect. But it would be good if you can take it down a notch sometimes."

Hobi fell quiet, just looking at his hands. I sighed as I took his in mine. 

"I am not angry at you. Just telling you what I feel." Hobi nodded. 

"Sorry again."

"It is ok. I know you mean well. I promise to try harder tomorrow."

Hobi smiled at me. 

"Where's your drink?"

"This is an apology drink. I didn't get myself one as it was the last one."

I laughed against my better notion. I uncapped it, having some and giving him the rest. He smiled at me before taking it, thanking me softly. 

"What's for dinner?"

Not sure, Jin told us to make our own or buy because he has to go out with his manager. RM and Kookie said  they will be going out.  V is meeting his friends and Jimin has gone to meet IU for dinner."

My Hyung, My Love. [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now