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Hope you all are doing well. So here is the next chapter of His Hoor. Hope you all are going to love it. Please do comment down your views about the book and chapter.

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I have always tried to control my mind and heart

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I have always tried to control my mind and heart. I have maintained my composure in any kind of situation. I suppressed my urge to break down when my father died, leaving me and Ammi alone in this world. I wanted to cry every day after learning that my Ammi does not have much time left, but I remained calm because I knew if I broke down, my mother wouldn't be able to bear the pain.

I have always told my students not to act emotionally because sometimes feeling too much can be overwhelming. Acting in the heat of the moment can cause significant problems. But right now, as I look at the irritated faces of Mrs. Kulkarni and the Principal Ma'am, I so badly want to punch their faces for making my little angel cry.

They are the older ones here, even older than me, and they are talking about punishing and suing a six-year-old child? That's not very mature.

"Don't think that you two can get away with hurting my son. I'm going to destroy you two," Mrs. Kulkarni screamed.

What's with her and screaming? Can't she talk like a normal person for once?

"Let me also see how you are going to do that while I'm here," a loud yet deep voice said, making us turn towards the direction of the sound.

And there stood Mr. Ibrahim Khan, the chairman of the Khan Empire. His voice and facial expressions were calm, but a powerful yet intimidating aura surrounded him. I have met him only twice, not personally though. The first time was during Kai and Abhi Jiju's engagement, and the second time was during Siya and Vikram Jiju's marriage. Even though I haven't known him personally, I could tell he was a serious person. He invited himself into the room with slow and powerful steps and stopped just in front of me. Even though I hadn't done anything wrong, his presence made me nervous. I noticed the bulky bodyguard of Niya standing behind Mr. Khan.

What was his name? Jabal? Jamal? Samal? Samad? Yes, Samad.

"Nanu?" I heard a soft voice speaking from behind me.

( Nanu is an adjective used for grandfather, precisely the father of your mother )

"Ji, Shehzadi," Mr. Khan said, making Niya come out from behind me and run to hug her grandfather, who caught her safely in his arms. I heard her sobs, which pained my heart.

(" Yes, princess")

I know we don't have any kind of relationship other than her calling me "angel" and me calling her "little angel." But there was something invisible yet strong between us that made me feel her pain. It hurts me to see her cry as if she's my own daughter. And after knowing that her mother is no more, I cannot stop the urge to protect her from the whole world. Seeing her sad makes me sad too.

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